a great hike this morning in my new hood. I walked uphill and about died and
then I received a reward I got to walk downhill for a while. I left the compound
and took a brisk walk on the mean streets. Walked up hill again and finished. It
is misty and warm out there. My home
could have been a many turreted castle if you looked back through the mist and
lights at it. Magical this morning.
was misty like this a few nights ago as I was driving. I came to a stop and
looked at the highway above me. Beautiful ladies in gossamer ball gowns were dancing
on the edge of the road. They were all tall and elegant with golden globed hair
and frothy pink tulle made of light and mist. I wish I could have photographed
it or better yet painted it. The contrast was soft and light against hard and
dark. Maybe from my mind I can paint it. I should buy and easel today.
spent a few days with my granddaughter while her mom went to Vegas.

They have also just moved and her flat looked like a refugee camp. Seriously it was like camping. I slept on the mattress which was on the ground. No one could find any sheets so we used blankets. Paper plates, plastic cups, one giant pot, one very large skillet and the only washcloth in the place I used to wash dishes. She had not installed wifi and the broadband could not handle the load of content and video that is part of everyday life online. My nephew asked if I wanted to binge watch Game of Thrones with him. Well of course! However, there was no wifi to watch with but with his iPhone and a cable he could stream from one to the other. $45.00 later we are good to go and season 1 is done.
We went to gymnastics, dance class, school and shopping for groceries where we found heart shaped donuts with sprinkles. Yes, I bought some and yes she is not allowed donuts but I was in charge. We made chicken club tacos

They have also just moved and her flat looked like a refugee camp. Seriously it was like camping. I slept on the mattress which was on the ground. No one could find any sheets so we used blankets. Paper plates, plastic cups, one giant pot, one very large skillet and the only washcloth in the place I used to wash dishes. She had not installed wifi and the broadband could not handle the load of content and video that is part of everyday life online. My nephew asked if I wanted to binge watch Game of Thrones with him. Well of course! However, there was no wifi to watch with but with his iPhone and a cable he could stream from one to the other. $45.00 later we are good to go and season 1 is done.
We went to gymnastics, dance class, school and shopping for groceries where we found heart shaped donuts with sprinkles. Yes, I bought some and yes she is not allowed donuts but I was in charge. We made chicken club tacos
for dinner one night and the next, per my granddaughter’s
request, I made Sloppy Joes. When I asked her what she wanted with them she
said Cheetos but Mom will be mad. Too bad!!! She ate some Cheetos she ate half
of a Joe and a few more Cheetos and the other half of her Joe and then about 15
minutes later she asked for another Joe. The girl loves some Sloppy Joes.
nephew ate 4 of them. If they thought those were good they would really love my
homemade ones.

I will scurry off and make breakfast.