Thursday, March 31, 2016
Breakfast Letters: Cat Lady Despair
Breakfast Letters: Cat Lady Despair: As I was pulling up to the “single person” fruit cup display a very gorgeous man pulls up, I move over and he says “oh no, you are fine ma’...
Cat Lady Despair
As I was pulling up to the
“single person” fruit cup display a very gorgeous man pulls up, I move over and
he says “oh no, you are fine ma’am” grabs his “single person” fruit cups and
moves on. He said it like I was his Mother. Oh, yes, how respectful and sweet….
He was my age!!!
But wait there is more… You have
all heard and seen the crazy cat lady jokes and memes and laughed. Me too. However,
it is not funny when you are standing in line at the grocery store and you look
down and you have a small salad, small bag of flour, sugar, 1 chicken breast, 3
small scallops, a bottle of wine, chips and a bag of cat food and, there is a
HOT guy in front of you and one behind you looking at your grocery choices.
is obvious I am single and have at least one cat. Were they giving me the “Hot
Damn it’s a Cougar/Jaguar” look? NO, no they were not. I wanted to cry but I was too busy laughing at
this and not laughing as in funny laughing more like hysterical …… this is not
my life.
I am going to get my hair dyed
grey with silver highlights tomorrow. I am buying all grey cloths and maybe I
can disappear or at least be invisible.
On the brighter side….
I was waiting for the elevator at
the retirement facility where Mother lives when a handsome elderly man came
around the corner and did a double take. “Well, hello! You don’t live here do
you? No, you are much too young.” XXXX those are for you dear man.
In case any of you were wondering
about the horse that I said lives above me. Is it a man or woman, it is a
Percheron that used to be in the circus?
Wesley Dennis - Illustrator
My granddaughter was spooked by the noise on
her first night here so I told her it was a horse…she got excited and wanted to
know what color, could we go see it and how did it get up there. Large, no we
could not and it climbed the stairs. She went right on to sleep with visions of
horses prancing about. I am a good
I am having a bowl of strawberries
and cream
with an eclair
for breakfast because that is what we “cat Ladies” do.
Enjoy yours!
Thursday, March 24, 2016
She Sewed a Book
I recently moved I donated about 90% of my books. It was difficult, I love
books. I would have hundreds if I could. I miss seeing them, touching them but
this has enticed me back to the Library. Guess what is in there? Books,
hundreds of books and I do not need to store them they are cleverly kept on
shelves just for me. I enter and to me it is like walking into a sacred place,
the Sistine Chapel, or The Art Institute of Chicago or Warwick Castle.
It is
filled with memories, information, history, and carefully woven tales. The
Library contains secrets that beg to be discovered. It was one of my favorite
places to go as a child. I knew that there inside I would encounter knowledge
and that knowledge would give me power, ideas, dreams, and offer an escape.
the years I have developed this ritual. I wonder until I feel compelled to stop.
I touch the shelves directly in front of me, stopping at one and then I pick up
each book reading the jacket to see if I am enticed to explore further. Yesterday
I walked right up to a shelf and there winking at me from a top shelf was a
large thick book by my favorite author. I came home and read for hours.
books I kept were several devotional books. A few cook books (I love to read
cook books), Pirate books (they are actually part of my decor, Vampire books (those
are decor for my kitchen, you would have to see it) and a few old books that
belonged to my grandfather’s mother. One of which is signed with a very
mysterious message.
wistfully flipping through a cookbook
that belonged to my grandmother a hand
written recipe fell out. I stared at it for several moments when the thought occurred
that her candy recipes may be secreted inside. The book was well worn and
stained not just from age but also from use. My Grandmother made the most delicious peanut butter
candy, caramel candy and chocolate candy. Not fudge candy. Smooth, creamy candy
like a Hershey bar.
grandmother did not have a stapler as I discovered. Recipes were hand written
onto pages that were designed for that at the end of each chapter and when
there was no room she wrote them around the outside edges of another page.
There are recipes pinned to pages with straight pins,
there are recipes that
are attached with safety pins
and there are even a few that are sewn to pages.
she actually took thread and needle and sewed recipes to pages.
I went through
the book carefully looking at each recipe she had added and even the ones
written on the pages of Sweets. No candy recipe did I find. The experience left
me feeling bereft, sad and oddly alone. But as I put the book back on the shelf
and saw my hands on the cover I remembered my Grandmother’s hands had touched
this book many many times while she planned and created meals for her family.
was a lovely adventure I took because of that book.
and my current book adventure now await me.
your Breakfast.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Back - Up Girlfriend
Is anyone else out there the “back-up”
girlfriend? Are you one by choice? Was
it thrust upon you? Or did you one day have the curtain torn away and you
realized that after 20 years and several different and repeat relationships he
never ever ever made you his first choice?
At first I was unaware of what was
happening. I had moved on. After several years he found me and attempted to
make amends for what he had done. I was gracious and sweet and he moved on. He
made contact again after a broken relationship. We lived far apart and I was
steady, gracious and kind again and again and again. Not once did he ever ask
if I would move closer to him. Not once did he make any attempt to garner,
cultivate or rekindle a relationship. I sailed through my life always being
there to reassure him, to tell him I still cared for him. Women came and went
from him. Some going quietly others wreaking havoc and devastation during and
after their departure and each time I was there as a band aid.
Maybe I am a
trigger for his addictions. Maybe I am a gift to him from GOD. He needed me or
someone like me. Maybe I am the addiction, absolution, requiem for him.
I don’t want to appear to be cruel or
mean spirited here. I am not being selfish but I am going to let go of you. I
am NOT your back up girlfriend.
This is not fair for her, your current love.
How can you possibly fully face her and involve yourself in her if you are
partially turned toward me?
I wish you love with someone else.
All four of you.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Jury Summons and the Prospects
I had picked up the mail on
Thursday. There were pieces that had gone to the old address, some to the new
and a few had come to the new and had been returned back because they crossed
paths with the change of address and were going to a box were no resident was
listed. I did not give it more than a glance. At 9:30 Monday night I decided to
go through the mail and there it was. A jury summons for 8:00 AM Tuesday
morning. WHAT!!!
I mapped out my route to San
Antonio and 2 back up plans for traffic problems, paced around the house in
agitation having a heated conversation with GOD. Something along the lines of
not my place to judge, die in traffic, clients to care for, judge not lest you
be judged (that came up several times on my end) and the stress I was now
suffering with. I poured a glass of Scotch and tried to be still. That is when
I heard Him tell me He had planned an amazing adventure for me. My entire
attitude changed and I decided that if this is where I was going than I might
as well have fun, enjoy, be brave, curious, and grasp at what I could learn and
observe. This would be people watching in a way that was different than the joy
of doing it at an airport.
I packed a book, a journal,
the new colours and coloring book my daughter had given me for Christmas. I
always color on the plane ride to adventure so, why not? Some gum, some cash, several pens for word
games and writing, my camera and then I unpacked my camera (my phone would have
to do). I was almost eager to start.
I had been to the courthouse
only twice since I have lived here. Once to get a marriage license and the
second for a sentencing. I was not sure where I was going or where I was
parking but I was armed with “this is what I am supposed to be doing so those
things will be provided and shown to me.” As is true of all my adventures my
carefully mapped our route showed a left turn which I made a block too early.
Panic! Deep breath, I knew I had to cross the cross street I was looking for
eventually. Sure enough 1 block up I turned right and there it was the parking
garage I was supposed to find right beside the courthouse and a line of traffic
waiting to go to that same parking lot. Panic and irritation, another deep
breath and a voice whispering turn left into that open Mob run parking lot, this
will be fun. So I did.
I gathered my bag and headed
to the payment kiosk which had a few people milling around it looking confused.
I observed the payment method or so I thought, and then it was my turn. I
looked at the instructions, the crowd now forming around me and the police
officer from another county standing behind me. I could not figure it out to
save my life. I turned to the line of irritable people and said “uhhhm …. I don’t
get?” The officer stepped up and said “May I?” yes please. She inserted my
credit card, keyed in some numbers asked me my license plate numbers and keyed
in some more numbers that turned out to be letters on the phone style key pad.
She explained that it was T3 texting that was required. You mean like in 2002
on a cell phone? Yes.
That would not have happened. I thanked her and walked to
the crosswalk. There was a herd of us prospects all heading to the corral. Fortunately,
I have no problem sharing comments and observations and I started a conversation
with a couple people one of whom had been through this 6 month prior. I latched
on to her as she knew the ritual. I colored as we waited and made conversation
apparently entertaining several people around us who would look back and laugh
at me or interject an opinion. I was having a good time, like waiting at an
35 prospects were called and
marched off into the catacombs of the courthouse. It now felt more like The Hunger
“Attention everyone!” the court jester announces, “I am going to call
the next 37 prospects and please stay in the order in which I call your name
and assign you a number.” I continue to color and then I hear “number 4 Tamara
Pearis”. I say good bye to my new friend and off I go to line up with other
prospects who may or may not be on a team that may or may not include me.
And again we wait…..
Monday, March 7, 2016
Plastic Pink Wine
I had a dream last night that played like a movie. You know the kind where the action is non stop and all the world falls apart.

I was casually driving somewhere to see a a dance recital when BAM chaos erupts in such bizarre ways. Explosions, I survive and then a giant mound of dirt rises up which creates an obstacle course to maneuver. Traffic is panicked. It just went on and on everywhere I went. Epic, there was me, a man I know who is a Priest, my grand daughter and then a lone male stranger who helps us all out. It was all great until I ended up with a mouth full of broken glass.
I saw the men who "valet away my trash" this morning. Takes away a wee bit of the magic. When I put the trash out last night there was a coke can outside my door.

Those of you who know me know I do not drink soda except occasionally, maybe once or twice a month. It was not mine. I assumed the valet people would pick it up. No they did not and as I was walking back up to my door this morning after my hike I noticed another can sitting on a bit of railing. So to the uncouth lummox(s) who believe mine and your world is their personal waste receptacle. We are NOT here to pick up after you. None of us are. Police yourself or if it is your children who are treating the world like this then you are still at fault. Do you want me and mine to leave our unwanted cans of carbonated syrup on your doorstep? Your porch, backyard, front yard

or anywhere else you may go? Or have you just dropped it wherever for so long you just don not see the trail of filth you leave behind? We do and we (I am sorry to say ) treat you accordingly.
Speaking of my door. There was a knock on it Saturday afternoon. I opened it and there stood two, of what I will start out to call young men. He informs me his grandmother lives vaguely (with a wave of his arm) over there. One of them launchs into a speech about public speaking. Somewhere in the back of my mind this is familiar. He stops after a question that made no sense and I say with a smile "I don't get it," He launches into it again and this time faster and and looking at me with intensity claiming it is for a school project. Ah... the light of memory is coming on. He tap dances around the real topic with some dull razzle dazzle with the point being to confuse me so I will ask him to continue. I am shaking my head and I say "No thank you". He whips out the plastic coated proof of his business which is to sell me magazine subscriptions that will never arrive. I say No thank you I am not interested as he his launching into his sales pitch and he stops, puts the card away and leans forward in an aggressive manner and which does not intimidate me and calls me rude. I stare. "You interrupted me, you did not let me finish (all being said in a very aggressive tone) you are rude!" I was starting to close the door. I open it again. Ger ready male creatures. No, You are rude. Rude and childish. You knock on my door, disrupt my weekend, I gave you several minutes if my time which you have disrespected. You are rude, incompetent and disrespectful. Your alleged grand mother would die of shame at your behavior. I close the door. They were ceremonially rejected at the next two doors they approached in my hallway.
But to top off my day my daughter brings me over a bottle of wine.

A plastic bottle of wine. A plastic bottle with a pink label of rose wine. Who would do this? I will drink it out of my Buckees wine glass. No it is not plastic.

Later that evening my nephew arrives with some cognac laced cigars and we crack open a nice dry red in a glass bottle and enjoy some tales of his miss-spent youth ( of which there will still be many more stories).
Breakfast with sausage awaits,
Enjoy your day!

I was casually driving somewhere to see a a dance recital when BAM chaos erupts in such bizarre ways. Explosions, I survive and then a giant mound of dirt rises up which creates an obstacle course to maneuver. Traffic is panicked. It just went on and on everywhere I went. Epic, there was me, a man I know who is a Priest, my grand daughter and then a lone male stranger who helps us all out. It was all great until I ended up with a mouth full of broken glass.
I saw the men who "valet away my trash" this morning. Takes away a wee bit of the magic. When I put the trash out last night there was a coke can outside my door.

Those of you who know me know I do not drink soda except occasionally, maybe once or twice a month. It was not mine. I assumed the valet people would pick it up. No they did not and as I was walking back up to my door this morning after my hike I noticed another can sitting on a bit of railing. So to the uncouth lummox(s) who believe mine and your world is their personal waste receptacle. We are NOT here to pick up after you. None of us are. Police yourself or if it is your children who are treating the world like this then you are still at fault. Do you want me and mine to leave our unwanted cans of carbonated syrup on your doorstep? Your porch, backyard, front yard

or anywhere else you may go? Or have you just dropped it wherever for so long you just don not see the trail of filth you leave behind? We do and we (I am sorry to say ) treat you accordingly.
Speaking of my door. There was a knock on it Saturday afternoon. I opened it and there stood two, of what I will start out to call young men. He informs me his grandmother lives vaguely (with a wave of his arm) over there. One of them launchs into a speech about public speaking. Somewhere in the back of my mind this is familiar. He stops after a question that made no sense and I say with a smile "I don't get it," He launches into it again and this time faster and and looking at me with intensity claiming it is for a school project. Ah... the light of memory is coming on. He tap dances around the real topic with some dull razzle dazzle with the point being to confuse me so I will ask him to continue. I am shaking my head and I say "No thank you". He whips out the plastic coated proof of his business which is to sell me magazine subscriptions that will never arrive. I say No thank you I am not interested as he his launching into his sales pitch and he stops, puts the card away and leans forward in an aggressive manner and which does not intimidate me and calls me rude. I stare. "You interrupted me, you did not let me finish (all being said in a very aggressive tone) you are rude!" I was starting to close the door. I open it again. Ger ready male creatures. No, You are rude. Rude and childish. You knock on my door, disrupt my weekend, I gave you several minutes if my time which you have disrespected. You are rude, incompetent and disrespectful. Your alleged grand mother would die of shame at your behavior. I close the door. They were ceremonially rejected at the next two doors they approached in my hallway.
But to top off my day my daughter brings me over a bottle of wine.

A plastic bottle of wine. A plastic bottle with a pink label of rose wine. Who would do this? I will drink it out of my Buckees wine glass. No it is not plastic.

Later that evening my nephew arrives with some cognac laced cigars and we crack open a nice dry red in a glass bottle and enjoy some tales of his miss-spent youth ( of which there will still be many more stories).
Breakfast with sausage awaits,
Enjoy your day!
Friday, March 4, 2016
What About Love
My devotional was about love today.
I am trying to remember that… love.
No…... nothing.
Shout out to my children, real and imagined, grand
children – those I see and those that are being used as weapons and for selfish
(he is not your dead son come back to life) reasons, Aunts, Uncles, Sisters,
friends. I love you. After that a Great beautiful landscape of …. 

I still have a slightly used cat for sale here.
This morning after I return from my morning hike he starts screaming at me. It
is 5:28 AM and he is screaming. I start
the kettle for tea and he screams. I put some dishes away he screams. I flutter about doing things all the while with him screaming. I tap his water bowl to be
sure there is water. Finally, the kettle whistles and as I am pouring he saunters
over to the other side of the kitchen where his two food bowls are located and
screams at me. He looks down and in the midst of a scream his purr machine
turns on and he starts eating. Both bowls had food in them and had food in them
the entire time. This constant screaming without checking thing he does is
seriously getting on my last ¼ of nerve. I have discounted his price. Anyone?
Sorry for such a short letter today. I want to get the
work load done early, and get to the grocery store before the payday. Weekend crowds
get there. I have a ghost hunting mystery to solve. You know I love to dig in
and Sherlock and I want to start today.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
What You Have in Common with a Duck
Am I
the only one who is disturbed by the AFLAC duck smacking on his assistant in
the magic commercial. My first reaction
was shock he was hitting her. That quickly changed to downright fury. Then you
cut to two people in the audience one a man and the other a woman who are
watching this brutal attack and calmly chatting. Get your bloody asses up and
stop this!! That bloody duck is attacking a human because he is a bad magician.
This is NOT ok AFLAC. EVER!!!! NOT funny!!!
thing, why do people in several multimedia venues love to tell us who wore the
best dress?
Best dress for who? You the editor of a magazine? You the talk show
host, you the newspaper editor? Just because you like a dress or do not like a
dress does not mean it was a bad dress or the actress or celeb in the spotlight
of your wrath or praise has bad taste. Why do you publish and broadcast the
best and then the worst?
Who exactly does that help? Why do it? Are people not
able to look upon a red carpet dress and say “WOW!!! That is gorgeous!” or “I
do not like that dress!” Do they need to be told? This is not an uplifting, positive,
helpful, kind or gracious thing you do. Not to them, not to you and not to us.
create hate, remorse, anger, sadness, hostility, self-doubt, loathing, and so
many more negative feelings. Not only in us, but in the celeb you attack, the
designer they are wearing, and in the brutal world of “lets destroy the celebs”
you are attacking each other. You imply we are not savvy enough to like something,
we have to be told what to like, by you. Just STOP!!! Describe the dress, tell us who the designer
is, anything else positive you want, just stop the negative judgement. We can
decide what we like and do not like.
Your worst may be our favorite and for
some reason that had totally escaped your judgement, we see beauty, quirky, feminine,
revenge, respect, fun, serious, joy, laughter and even odd just to get your
attention so they can laugh at you.
be nice.
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