Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lady Mother

I had composed a beautiful letter yesterday as things happened so it was like a running dialog, the Butterfly fell into a coma last night and it took me 15 minutes to revive her and when I did the letter I had written was gone. I had not saved it because I was working on it. The magic and poetry of that letter are gone. The desire to rewrite it does not exist. What is left is a large black hole, an  abyss, and near the bottom dismal longing for the return of the whimsical tales I was weaving yesterday of my life. 

It spoke of the 3 battalions of infantry that marched through the townhouse above me,

 the staging that was built for the entire Chinese acrobatic team to perform on, which they did. 

The early morning calling of the cat that lives up there known as Figaro.  What it eluded to was the lack of sleep I received because of all of that.

It spoke of the new trend in driving that I was taught was taboo, the changing of lanes in the middle of an intersection. It is not a random occurrence it happened twice by two separate vehicles a mere 20 minutes apart. No signaling of their intent they just moved from right to left as soon as they entered the intersection. Yes they had lights, they were legitimate and the lights were green both times.

It went on to rant about the lack of return phone calls from businesses. I made three calls yesterday morning to three different businesses for three very different reasons and as of this morning I still have received not a call back. Two of the calls needed action yesterday.

I concluded my letter by saying that your mother would adore owning a bit of land in the exotic Kingdom of Scotland where now she could be addressed as Lady. Like me Lady Tamara www.LairdOfLochaber.com . It may not be a title here but when I am responding to an invitation I include it. When I sit at a formal dinner my place-card addresses me as Lady Tamara Pearis www.LochaberHighlandEstates.com . Imagine her surprise Christmas morning when she opens the box you so beautifully wrapped in honor of her new title. www.HighlandTitles.com Even writing To: Lady Delores or Catherine or Violet or whatever her name is on the tag and watching her blush and giggle as she comments about why you did that only to discover inside a folder and in that folder a certificate proclaiming her new title for all the world and also the geographical location of her wee plot of land. Not only is she Lady Mother but a land holder in a foreign country. Imagine her bragging on it and you at her next Bridge Game.

Pumpkin Chai tea is calling me…..Good Morning!

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