Monday, October 7, 2013

Tomato Dream

Good Morning
 I have always had a hard time understanding how someone could sit down and play video games for hours, as in “where did the past 6 hours go?”  Saturday evening I decided to unwind and play a game. I download free trial games from yahoo. You get to play for an hour; there is no fee, no commitment, and no need to win or beat the game. It is just for fun and it is relaxing. So I picked one and downloaded it, but not without some glitches during the process.  I thought about what I wanted to do for the rest of the evening and clicked the start box. 

The game had trouble starting but I persisted. At last I was saving the world from a dark force and re-aligning the seasons or something.  I played and played and it got darker and darker outside. Still the game stayed live so still I continued to save the small world from darkness.  I came to realize that I must have been playing for quite some time but now that I was allowed to play for free I would keep playing until the system errored and shut down.  When I finally became so tired that I had to repeat levels I stopped. It was a little after 3 in the morning. Can you imagine my shock? It was a Twilight Zone moment.  I just did not waste hours in mindless pursuit of Air Knights and Gryphons! 

Today is going to be one of those hit the ground running days. I have to take my car in to have the back-up sensors replaced, confirm all loose ends are tied up for a client’s luncheon tomorrow, Social Media my other 5 clients’, spend 51/2 hours in another client’s office, drive to San Marcos and back, have dinner and spend time with my mother.

I finally bought a vacuum cleaner designed for homes with pets. It worked wonderfully and then not. This is the third one in a year. What the bloody hell is wrong with this flat that it kills vacuum cleaners? My mother had the same vacuum for over 20 years and it never once failed to work.  I am T the Great Vacuum Destroyer!!

I was sleeping soundly and dreaming that I was at a job interview and had brought with me tomatoes when I heard seagulls and the ocean and violins. My alarm, I never got to eat them but, they are a happy omen and symbolize coming success and contentment. The woman granting the interview thought they were for her and refused them as she pulled out a sandwich and ate it.  I was relieved because I wanted them. They were in a parfait style of to-go cup and chopped into bite-size pieces and cold.  Now that I think about it, the woman was prissy, dismissive, obviously did not want to conduct an interview and seemed resentful. She was wearing a nondescript dark grey suit with a darker grey blouse all of which had no frills or embellishment. She represents “marking time”, a period of nothing, waiting, something to keep me from or occupied until it is time to eat the tomatoes. Something I have to get through first. This is a premonition dream. Interesting.

Have an amazing day!

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