Monday, February 22, 2016
Do-Si-Do Abe Lincoln
For the third day in a row I awake to find my right hip in complete rebellion. It feels like a knuckle that is begging to be cracked popped and shifted back into alignment. Except I cannot just crack my lower back. I have to walk it out and wait it out. I was fine until I stretched and then spasm. I put some Blue on it and found the most comfortable position and eventually relaxed. An hour later it still is screaming at me. I am beginning to believe it is weather related as the past three mornings have been overcast with a lot of moisture. Like an old farmer who can predict weather based on his aches and pains.
This makes me sad. Being an old farmer was not in my dreams as a child of how I wanted my life to be.
One of my dearest friends has decided to move East. That means she is coming here. She is packing up in less than a month and heading out with a child, some cats and maybe a dog. This is an exciting time for them. She is not sure where she will live, nor she does not have a job yet. She is trusting in the hands of karma and the universe. I will give her over to GOD because HE has been orchestrating a lovely tapestry out of her life for years and there is more wonders to come. It had not been random my beautiful friend.
I made a run for some pizza
the other evening at a friends pizza and tap room.
As I was walking in the door I was mugged by an adorable little girl scout and her family of protectors. She was determined and bubbly. At first I said no thanx but then I turned and walked over. She went from disappointment to saleswoman in nano-seconds and reminded me of a sales associate I worked with a few years ago. We bantered about whether they were delicious. I asked for the peanut butter sandwich cookies
which I did not see on the display. She tried to talk me into something else when she realized they were not there (keep selling it girl!). Her mom said they were in the car and took off to get them. I gave her a five dollar bill and she proceeded to inform me that they had learned about the man on the bill in school. Abraham Lincoln?
"Yes", she says "he was very interesting." One of my favorite presidents. Do you like him? and on we chatted. She handed me my cookies and and my change and I said the only reason I was buying the cookies from her was because she liked Abraham Lincoln too. She smiled, her family giggled and I went in for pizza.
The morale of the story is .... I am not sure but, I did stop to think about the other girl scout with her. Why not her? Why that girl? I had been accosted by another girl a week ago and after a no thank you I went on about my business. Why not the first girl of last week? Why was I supposed to do business with this little tiny girl? Besides for the purpose of telling a story. Do you think I will ever know? Will she become a great performer and at the Awards ceremony thank the woman who loved Abraham Lincoln?
Mention me as she accepts her Noble or Pulitzer? Or will it become a cause for laughter at family gatherings.... remember the crazy Abe Lincoln lady?
What about everybody else I have ever encountered?
Going for more coffee and some sausage...
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