Mom, I will scrub the garden tub so you can take a nice relaxing bath she says. She sent me a text memo, Mom, I didn’t get the tub scrubbed but the stuff to clean it with is under the sink in the bathroom.
Mom, the sheets are clean, the blanket is clean we just did not put the duvet back on the blanket. (I kind of wish they had).

I walk in and there are piles and piles of folded and non-folded laundry covering every flat surface in the flat. Another text memo, Mom, we did laundry but did not put it all away. All??? You mean there is more somewhere? She could open a boutique with the amount of clothing I can see. Does she only wash once a month?
Do you have internet? No Mom, you have to go to the internet café at the Town Hall building. Which brings me to the next phase of this adventure.

My nephew is living here but because of his crazy job schedule he cannot properly care for the dogs. He is up early and roaming the flat like a caged lion. Finally, I guess he has worked up enough courage (am I that scary? He is 27) to tell me he has something awkward to ask me (uh-oh). Can I please leave the flat for about an hour, his girlfriend is coming over for a wee bit before she goes to work? Sure when will she be here I ask as I am about to make a second cup of coffee. In about 5 minutes, he says. I pack up the Gypsy and walk over to the Town Hall which seemed to be about a 3-minute walk but was actually not.
He tells me as I am leaving that the key fob I use to open the drive in gate will also open the pool gates and entrance gates and cyber café door.

I cross through another entrance gate, go down the hall and arrive at the door. I click the key fob and nothing happens. I wave the fob over the little black box and still nothing. By now I am thinking that blowing the door from its hinges is the way to go. As I am waving my arms in a childish fit and turning to leave I hear a beep and a click. I charge in through the door, good thing the only person in there was a very pervy looking dude who did not at all react to my SWAT style entrance. He does not even look around.
I put my pack, keys and sunglasses on a corner table and march over to the coffee machine to discover that it is empty and needs service. Great! I see Earl Grey tea and a hot water dispenser. Earl Grey it is. Paper cup, tea bag under the water dispenser push and ahhhhh… hot tea, except it is not hot the water was cold. I dislike iced tea. But the aroma of the Earl Grey is enticing and I am thirsty and there is no water in this place. I drink it.

I get to work. Perv man leans back in his chair, stretches and releases a belch so loud it must have come from a rhino. Bloody freaking hell is there no end to this torture? At last he leaves.
What will happen next?
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