Friday, May 4, 2012

Hate Mail

Once again a series of unfortunate events while on their own may seem insignificant to others were crushing to me. Had they appeared farther apart I might have been able to have muddled through. I am unable to. So ….. the grin that now occupies the lower half of my garage door, that you may recall my daughter put there while learning to drive. Will for a time longer have to remain. This is going to cause the home owners association to file a law suit against me. This is what I have been told by the association that sent me a letter on behalf of the home owners association.  Since suing me will still not produce the money to pay for a repair or replacement garage door my situation will continue to become worse. To add to that the terrorists who live on my street, who still know nothing of my situation have made their usual wrong assumption and sent me yet another ugly, hurtful, threatening piece of hate mail. The male person at the association found it humorous and claimed could do nothing about. He can send me a letter about fixing my garage door, as though I just do not want to fix it, (REALLY!!!!????) and am flat out refusing to fix it because I want to live in a bloody messed up house! I calmly told him he knew nothing about me or what had just happened. He admitted he did not know me. He advised I confront the writer of the hate mail. WOW!!!! Why did I not think of that? The bloody coward who wrote the letter did not sign it nor put a return address on it. Give it to my attorney he said. Right, because I have so much money I can afford to keep an attorney on retainer. What planet is this man from? Or am I just out of the loop and does everyone have an attorney? Like I just pick up the phone and say “hey Mandy, is Preston available I need to fax him over this piece of hate mail to put in my home file. Thanx!” I do not live in a movie! 

I actually would have had the money but two things happened with in (take out the weekend) 3 days of each other. I had three sources of income and on Tuesday I had one. Garage door money has now paid for my electricity, water, car insurance, internet and laundry detergent. It has gotten so I am actually terrified to get up each morning for fear of what other crushing blow I may receive via, phone, e-mail or mail.

Lady Tamara  has fired her yard guy and is now hiring a new guy. Hopefully that will not cost me $80 per month and if he does at least I might get some work out of him. Like weed killer that really kills weeds.

Since I can tell I have lost my mind bring on the next horrible event, I will be taken away laughing hysterically. 

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