Monday, December 16, 2013

The Attack

Last night heralded in a demon., let me explain….

I went to my room after checking on my granddaughter E to snuggle down into my bed to sleep a bit before my daughter and her entourage arrived home from the club loaded with burgers, fries and hilarious tales.  I had just started to drift off to sleep when Gucci started a clamor of barking and growling.  He only does that when someone is on the porch or at the door.

  I heard the door open slowly and silently or, so I thought.  I waited a few moments for the sound of the crew to arrive through the door but they did not. I lay silent and as I puzzled what had just happened the room grew colder and colder. I listened and heard nothing unusual and then a voice softly said “the door is open”. I turned over and no one was there. Maybe I had dozed off and dream it because of the incident but, in the middle of this thought I again heard “the door is open”.  My mind replayed my checking the door before going to my room and it had been firmly closed but not locked. (I did not want a troupe of tipsy youths beating on the door to get in and wake E.)  Again I snuggle into the bed, which is now ice cold and try to relax when I hear the words “The door!”

I sit up. The entry way is lit up where it should be dark. I get up and peek around the corner. The front door is standing wide open.  I look back into my room, no one there. I close the door and dash through the living room to check on E. There is no one in there or the closet or the bath or anywhere.  I turn on the heat and lay back down.  A short while later I hear a scratching at my front door. But Gucci does not bark.  I peek through the window and my porch lies empty. I hear another scratch.  Upon opening the door my cat Goblin saunters in.  I make another attempt to grab a nap.

As I am drifting off to sleep there is a knock on the door and a voice saying it is Daniel.  I let him in, close the door and watch as he turns off lights, music, grabs a blanket and barely settles the sofa sleeper to the floor before he crawls on to the mattress and is asleep.  By now I am exhausted so I too soon find sleep and am haunted by a deeply strange dream which is interrupted by a little E climbing into my bed telling me she threw up while she was asleep. 

I wake up to a brilliant sunlit day and the reek of E’s wet clothes and hair.  I get her bathed, shampooed, dry and clothed before tackling her bed linens.  Them, I drag to the washer and stuff in, along with a bear a pillow and a killer whale.  Just as I am cleaning the bathroom up the washer starts banging and is unbalanced. 

After several tries to right it the rhythm goes back to normal and I put on the kettle for coffee.  Upon turning around I discover that E has again thrown up on the sofa sleeper while lying by Daniel. He rolls over to the far side of the bed, she snuggles onto his abandoned pillow and I grab towels to clean up.

I leash up Gucci and .take him for a walk. As soon as I return he jumps on the sofa and in his excitement dribbles pee over it.  I clean that and as I am walking back to the kitchen to press the coffee I see that one of the cats has thrown up on the carpet.  I am almost out of cream so I cannot make my coffee to my color specification and I have no cheese for breakfast tacos.

It is barely 10 in the morning and I am looking forward through my day with a demon called Dread and his minions Stress, Apprehension, Anxiety, Trouble, Tuscone, King of the Imp devils and 26 Angels with grins on their faces all surrounding me.

And, in the words of the band 7eventh Time Down….When you don't know what to say, Just say Jesus.

 I whisper, Jesus.

The rest of my day has been uneventful.  Thank you Jesus.

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