Thursday, May 21, 2015

Cover Her Head

Yesterday I came across this verse on this poster followed by a lot of disparaging remarks and comments.  1 Corinthians 11:6 - it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved.

The verse actually says - For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.

Let me add to this that the verse is referring to a woman who is praying and prophesying in a church. It is actually part of a letter that was written by a man named Paul who was addressing several issues and challenges in newly founded churches in a wicked little place called Corinth.  

Women who had cut their hair as a symbol of their independence were becoming Christians and participating and taking active roles in churches. The men in these newly founded churches were fussed up by this and sought advice from Paul. So he advises that “if” it is a disgrace to you men (it was an act of defiance against men) for her to shave her head or cut her hair then she should cover her head while in church. Paul was suggesting a peaceful solution to a problem. He does not ask that women not be allowed to participate or take on active roles for having short hair or bald heads. He does not ask that they be kicked out or barred from service for having short hair or bald heads. And, he does not say the women will go to hell for having short hair or bald heads.  

It is a letter people. It is NOT a command from GOD.  It suggests a peaceful solution to a challenge he was asked to help resolve.

On to another challenge. I have a great great…… grand uncle who was named Zorobabel Madocks (the spelling of which later ended up as Matics.) I have seen the name spelled Zerubbabel also on other men. He named a son Zorobabel.  Now on all documets I can find my uncle is called Bell Madocks. People assume his name is Bell, named from his mom Mary Bell allegedly) but I believe it is a nickname from Zorobabel. Neither idea can be proven at this time.  But that is not what this is about. I was curious as to where or who a Zerubbabel was/is.  Well, he was the governor of the Persian Provence of Judah. Actually the grandson of the King of Judah. Want a frame of reference? King Darius I of Persia appointed Zerubbabel as governor of Judah. Shortly after that appointment Zerubbabel started rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. 

      Zerubbabel displays a plan of Jersalem to Cyrus the Great

The name means “born in Babylon”. Zerubbabel descended from the Royal line of King Solomon.

Has anyone else come across this as a family name?
Good thing my mom was a girl she could have been Zorobabel.
Well, I am back to tracking down my Zerubbabel’s real mom. Mary Bell… lol…. Really people?  It is probably Mary but NOT Mary Bell.

I love ghost hunting!

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