Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Crawdad Assist

I have had several adventures the past couple of days. During one adventure we ended up at our local grocery store where they happen to have a tub of live craw daddies. It is a bit sad to me and if I had the money I would buy them all and turn them loose in the local creeks where I know some of their kin live. On this day I ran into a bit of luck. There were two crawdads on the floor upside down. Obvious suicide attempts. I noticed one was still moving so I grabbed him by the less dangerous end and flipped him over. He took a few steps and then the bloody beast turned toward me, raised his claws over his head like a fighter from the W.W.F and went into attack mode. Really?!!?

 At that moment his buddy, the one I thought was dead started flailing about. Remember that scene from Boondock Saints part 1 when Murphy and Connor, the McManus brothers are attacked in their home by the Russians and one is taken outside and the other jumps with the toilet.

 This was the Crawdad version. I flipped the other one over and he promptly ran for cover under the tub while the larger one was still claws in the air and hissing. I don’t think laughing at him helped. Satisfied that we had given them a fighting chance we strolled on off.

We were waiting our turn in line at the Theater when we noticed several movies that were not even on my “maybe” watch list were all on two and even three screens. No wonder there was not much choice in movies. The one that struck me as the oddest was The Avengers. 

Two screens. It needed two? Why I asked out into the void. How many people are really into the Avengers? My daughter informed me it was not the Avengers that people were interested in but individual characters. Like Iron Man. At that moment a woman who had been listening to us, smiling, and giggling at our banter turned and said “and Thor. What woman does not want to see Thor?” She winked at me. “I am his girlfriend.” Our mouths dropped. She giggled again. “Just ask my daughter. She tells everyone her mom is in love with Thor and so I must be his girlfriend.” Well, there it was. You just never know who you may meet on an adventure.

Saw Horatio twice yesterday. Once he was driving and the other time he was parked outside of a Tiger Mart we had just come from. Nothing going on in there except some shady looking people buying some fountain sodas and another couple of people paying for gas. The clerks were all giggles and smiles so he must have been there for purposes other than a dead body. Drug deal? Informant? Money drop? He was just sitting in his vehicle with the motor running. Never got out while we were there. Perhaps it was that murder/suicide that had occurred a few hours earlier.

Because we need a good adventure after the tragedy of the murder and attempt at suicide from yesterday here. I will tell a feel good tale. My daughter was 12 and flying alone to California. She had a stuffy and a back pack. She boarded, sat down and got comfy. A very large man sat next to her. Large as in extremely tall and muscled. He said hello and was friendly; she was a bit shy but friendly back and talked briefly before she fell asleep. She woke up later in the flight to change positions but had missed beverage service during her nap so he called a flight attendant and ordered her orange juice. He woke her when it arrived. As he handed it to her she noticed the very large Sports Championship ring on his finger. She looked up at him, he smiled at her and took her cup as she drifted back to sleep. She cannot recall his name or what team he played for but she does recall he had a nice smile, got her juice and she felt protected and safe while she slept.

Champion man, whoever you are. Thank you! 
To your Mom, Thank you!

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