Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I pulled up to the stop light and was looking around. I knew I had a few moments to gaze about because the light had just changed. The car in front of me was loaded with pro military stickers, hug a nurse, nurses rule and this… enjoy this day, compliments of GOD. I was enjoying the day I thought. I had some stress earlier but I had relaxed into it because it is usually the key to adventure. But the moment I read it I felt myself relax, like my skin just all of a sudden melted, my bones turned to silken ribbons, the smile I was wearing settled into my heart. It was like a command, an order, someone telling me what to do. For those of you who know me best I do not take to being told what to do. But for some reason “enjoy this day” struck at me. Don’t worry about what had been, do not fret upon what will happen, enjoy this day, enjoy right now, take pleasure from all that will be yours today. Compliments of GOD. The Creator of the universes was telling me to just enjoy the day. I made this for you enjoy it. I wish I could paint it and hang it in my bathroom or dressing room.

I was chatting with a friend about pizzas and what we loved on ours. I went for cheese and pepperoni, onion, black olives, mushrooms, cheese (yes again). She was fond of cheese, hamburger, green pepper and cheese; which actually sounds good too. She is working at losing some weight so she eats whole wheat, low fat cheese concoction she calls a pizza. The reason for the weight loss is what had me laughing and then crying due to embarrassment. She does not want to be the fat lady getting on the airplane that no one wants to sit by because she spills over into the other seat slightly. That was very funny to me because she is anything but fat. She is fluffy, like me fluffy. Then I thought to the four flights I had just taken. There was still room on the seat belt. It was not like I had used every inch of it to strap myself down with. I filled my seat but did not spill over. I remember looking around to see how everyone else fit in their seat. All of the men filled their seats. The woman next to me filled her seat but there was a seat between us. She pulled out her cheese nips and munched away. I have come to the conclusion that airline seats are made for 8 year olds. Real men and women are not supposed to fly only stick people are to move about the country. We fluffy people are supposed to take trains or RVs. It is not like neither she nor I qualify to sit in a freak show at a carnival!! I do not have to shop at a specialty store.!!!!!

Choosing the just right cantaloupe is no easy task and I am sure we all have a different idea about what it should taste like. I found the perfect cantaloupe. It was not beautiful on the outside (that in itself could be a good dissertation), not perfectly round, more oblong and head shaped. I must stop and ask here now so that you will understand the scent I detected in the melon. Have you ever been to a bourbon distillery? The aroma that touches your senses is called the Angel’s Share; it is the scent that lingers in the rick houses.  A combination of kettle corn, caramel, charred would, misty morning, fruit and secrets. I picked up many melons sniffing the stem end and to my surprise I smelled bourbon distillery in one. I was flooded with beautiful memories and put it aside. I picked up several more but in the end I purchased the bourbon cantaloupe. I cut into it when I got it home to prepare it and nectar poured from the fruit. In moments my hands, the knife, the cutting board, were drenched in sweet wet bourbon scented bliss. I hesitated to indulge in a taste; it could not be a marvelous as it appeared. It was. To my mouth it was ambrosia. It was cool and sweet and just right soft. This morning it is the perfect pairing with the white tea in my pot. The sweet and the slight acid of the tea are waltzing through my mouth. Join me?

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