Friday, June 15, 2012

Why Poems?

I used to have poems running through my head. Favorite poems, poems my friends liked, poems that fit my moods; especially my teenager moods, the best were the poems that opened the doors to dreams and hopes and wishes.  My dad tried connecting to me during my younger teenage years with books and stories. When I was embracing my Vampire he would tell me of his troubles with werewolves. I believed this of my dad, that he knew werewolves. In his attempt to strengthen our Father-Daughter relationship he succeeded in creating a bit of trust. I am not sure either of us knew it at the time but right now it seems so very important.  One of my favorite poems, I memorized the day I first read it, was written by Laurence Alma-Tadema, If No One Ever Marries Me. 

I started writing a short story based on me and the cottage and the orphan girl whom I named Wren. I spent all summer on the tale. It is gone now
Another was The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. I became so mesmerized by this tale of love that I could feel the chill of the night air, the scent of horse, hooves in the distance; I could not read past the second stanza without tears blossoming in my eyes. The warm feel of his velvet coat, the softness of the doe-skin, the scratchiness of the lace, I did not want to be Bess, I wanted to save him and Bess.  Loreena McKennitt put this to music beautifully.

It was this poem that sparked my dream to one day possess a rapier and the skill to use it. I dreamt of high-school and vowed I would excel at fencing. When I got there, to High School, there was no fencing. So I tucked the dream away and waited. I have a rapier and we have been to battle with Laird Campbell many times. He probably will never take the time to understand my gratitude, the depth of my respect and a love he was never capable of understanding even though he desired it.

Thanks to High School Choir I have this love of The Tyger by William Blake.

Why this stroll through poetry? No clue!! I have not even entered into my world of Poe. I took possession of him once I learned he too was of Baltimore. Or Alfred, Lord Tennyson.  Rather odd….. this little journey …..mmmm

I  received some devastating news yesterday and must deal with this today, so, Lady Tamara will retire to her poetry and Tamara the warrior is putting on her armor.
I will leave you with this….. If you could go back and change one thing, one event, what would you choose?

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