Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Jelly Hair-flip

Yesterday this urge for biscuits and grape jelly overwhelmed me. I squelched it and moved on, or so I thought. I am not a grape jelly fan. There are too many other jelly types out there. They may not be better but, I like options. Grape jelly is the best companion for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

 I have tried others but grape is the best. My Grandmother made apple sauce, which is very tasty with some cinnamon and some warm biscuits. My granny put up blackberry, apple, wild grape and some other strange berry that was supposed to be a treat and a favorite of my mother’s; I cannot recall what it was. These exotic jams were delightful! 

My parents would also buy orange marmalade which became my very favorite, strawberry, fig, plum and any exotic concoction their friends who knew of my father’s taste for jam would send us from whatever foreign escapade they were on. I remember my first taste of prickly pear jelly and the warm buttery biscuit it was slathered on. Mmmmmm….. I could take it no more so this morning I made biscuits and loaded them up with grape jelly.

 It is the only flavor jelly I have in the house because it is my daughter’s favorite. The craving has now abated and I am left wondering why the intense grape jelly craving; because it has been 6 days since my last glass of wine? It is usually at this point in my letters that I would go explore the nutritional and psychological value of grape jelly. It is just grape jelly!

I was driving through the parking area of where I live when a female in a minivan (we all know how I feel about that!!) started to back out of her chosen spot. I assumed she did not see the large grey Lincoln (me) to her right so I stopped well back and allowed (yes I allowed, I was in a joyful mood) her to continue to back up. She was more than halfway out when she spotted me and hesitated. I remained still as she finished her maneuverer and pulled away going to my right and not to my left because…she is driving challenged, learned to drive in Wales, believes she is captaining the USS Carl Vinson,

 I do not know but, I smile at her and the creature flips her hair at me, grins real big, and drives off without even a nod, smile or any indication of a thank you. I waited and when she was far enough away I ordered the crew to launch a photon torpedo……. And a hair flip back at you bitch!!!

An online article on how to remove stains and the featured photo is lipstick on a collar! Really!!! If you were a man that came home with lipstick on your collar and a cock and bull story about how it got there…  Clean it for you? Are you drunk, insane, high, or just plain stupid? The only reason to put lipstick on a shirt collar is to mark territory, leave a calling card for the wife, or to get the cheating male creature in trouble. Dude if you get lipstick on your $235 Victor Hugo dress shirt throw it away and consider it the price you pay for your infidelity.

I am going with Mother this afternoon to be fitted for her outfits for a fashion show. Yes my mother is going to be a Model in a fashion show. I believe there is to be 3 changes of clothing. SO proud of her career choice this late in life! Have fun Mom!!

Speaking of career choices I have terminated my contract with 2 clients and am deciding on a third but, what I am puzzling is whether to let it all go and spend the next few years being an artist.

The world is my canvas!!

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