Monday, November 25, 2013

Rum Punch

As they said on the radio, “I have some information that may be shocking to a few of you … Thanksgiving will go on as scheduled whether you have turkey to eat or not!” Guess what people; Thanksgiving is not about turkey, green bean casserole or jellied cranberry.  What you eat does not define this day. Neither does who you are with. Life will go on without green beans being slathered in cream of mushroom soup.

 I had never even seen this concoction as part of a meal until I was well past the age of 16; and guess what, we had Thanksgiving every year. I have had pizza, enchiladas, stuffed bell peppers and even lasagna on this day of feasting.  I have had meals where no green beans were served at all. We had carrots and greens and cornbread. Stop this narrow minded madness. 

The pilgrims probably ate popcorn and raw cranberries. It is not like you cannot buy turkeys all year. I like turkey at Easter. My children however want a traditional “Mom” cooked dinner.  Now whether that is about turkey or ham or just being with me I am not sure. It is sweet that they feel the need to be with me but I am not convinced that it is not some marketing contrived guilt trip to lie upon those who have nothing and nobody. Norman Rockwell painted a sweet picture of a family at Thanksgiving and to be honest, growing up, mine always looked like that; happy, smiling, grandparents, parents and children.

 We were happy, but we were not always able to go “home”. The next time you are invited to Thanksgiving dinner and they are not serving what you feel is proper feast food do NOT get in a huff and drive away leaving people with a lack of respect you will never be able to get back. We have eaten at the club, more than a few times.  That is all I am going to say about that. 

Oh yeah and this year I am dining with my mother, we are eating at the club and I will most likely be filling up on rum punch because I am a cougar and that is where all the juicy young morsels will be.

Speaking of young morsels, who else out there is thrilled with the Kmart Joe Boxer jingle bell commercial? My mother was a bit shocked and the look on her face was priceless. I will be buying Joe Boxers for everyone this year!! Jingle Bells!! Dear Santa bring me them!!!! 

Dear it is my first day on the job guy. I know it is a gourmet food store. 

I wanted gourmet popcorn and yes you do sell it. Telling me to go to Walmart was so not cool. You have become my nemesis and I always seek them out to torment with questions. I have been to the store twice since this incident and both times asked you questions you had to go research out for me. I can keep this up for months. Speak to me like that. Really?? Walmart!!!  Really??  If I flipping wanted to be in Walmart knucklehead, I would have been!

Was last week Make A Right Turn From the Left Lane Day? I had this happen twice on Wednesday and then three times in 15 minutes on one road in less than a two mile stretch of road. Unbelievable! People driving down the left lane and all of a sudden without warning, meaning no signal, they break right and cross lanes of traffic to turn right. One did it right in front of me; the other two were two cars ahead of me. I was freaked out and wanted to go home where I had a better grasp on my illusion of safe.

Got a client to get to see you later!

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