Monday, January 4, 2016

It Was A Creeper

I was stepping off the curb and going into the parking lot of the community I live in when a large SUV rolled up behind me and turned at that same moment.

 They had seen me so they pulled in way to the left so as not to collide with me for which I am grateful. Most people are rather rude when inside the safety of their rolling stereo. The vehicle sped on down the drive leaving me a distant memory when I discovered as I rounded a curve they had stopped at the dumpster. They had hopped back in and were driving away as I rounded another curve and got closer. I kept walking.  Then, as happens when I am walking and giving free reign to my thoughts and emotions it crossed my mind that, that vehicle was not from here. Then as I rounded another curve a car door slammed and someone walked toward a building near another of the dumpsters. That is all my imagination needed and a CSI episode was born regarding the contents of what the SUV had deposited in the dumpster.

 In my mind they had been to several dumpsters not just here but all over the area leaving boxes in dumpsters filled with…..   

use your imagination, it was all very entertaining as I made mental notes, exercising my brain, of the time, direction, color of the vehicle. I no longer was aware of the chill in the air and how many laps I had made and soon I was on the homeward stretch. But as I turned down that same drive and headed back around one more time I heard a vehicle turn in the drive not too far behind me. It was creeping at a very slow pace and never caught up, or passed me or pulled into a parking slot, I moved closer to the edge of the road and kept walking thinking they would move on around if I moved. That did not happen. I walked on around a curve that would give me a chance to turn and look back over my shoulder and I saw nothing. I kept going and I kept hearing a vehicle creeping. But the creepiest thing was they were not any headlights. From the moment I heard a vehicle turn in it dawned on me, I had not noticed headlights. I turned up to the sidewalk to my door and looked back just once more and there it was. No headlights, the roof of a dark grey SUV just sitting on the edge of the drive.

Today is day 10 of the 12 days of Christmas and I am sinking into my normal post-Christmas depression.

 All of the decorations will soon come down and things will move on as though it had never been. If I lived in a larger house, I would keep one room in a state of perpetual Christmas. All is not lost though; I could have my daughter’s fiancĂ© get out my Valentine’s day boxes and dive into decorating for that once again. I used to decorate for that Holiday with all the exuberance I spent on Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas. After the kids all left I just stopped. I should have bought a load of red decorations. I could create a Valentine’s day tree! Hmmmm…. Maybe I still can. I am feeling a wee bit optimistic now.

10 Lords a leaping ….. will I find them today?

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