Tuesday, June 7, 2016

More Donuts - Less Gorillas

I have been actively posting and interacting on instagram. I am addicted to the endless stream of photos and visuals. Except… you knew there would be one. Those photos of male at the gym flexing every day, and female taking photos of purses every day, the female having a breakdown over being un-followed (or whatever started her issue, I admit I did un-follow her my self because personal drama belongs on facebook) females and males posting selfies with phone numbers and emails on how to contact them, and donuts. I love donuts and these photos of donuts are killing me.

I am puzzled by something. How many of you will stop where you are going to go into a business that has a giant inflated gorilla on their roof? 
And, why is it they are usually purple or blue? Would you be more or less inclined to stop if it was a giant inflated camel or penguin? I would stop for Thor maybe even Batman.

I was shown a photo of Xylaria polymorpha.

It does not get better, they are also known as Dead Man’s Fingers

Because that is what they can look like. It is a fungus or if you prefer a mushroom. When they are young they are very pale with an almost blue tint and as they age they darken turning very dark grey to black and looking like entirely something else.
They grow near dead trees, stumps, forgotten woodpiles and logs. Unlike most mushrooms that are active for a few hours or days each year the “Dead Man’s Fingers” grow in Spring and will stay active and alive into the Fall.

This morning I am taking mom to a Doctor appointment. This should be fun and a great adventure. You never know with mom what she may want to do.

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