Monday, February 27, 2012

Not Zombies

We are cruising on the access road headed toward the spa. Off to our right a suburban assault vehicle dismounts the highway. No worries, we are not in danger of a collision I move over one lane they pull forward and move over one lane. They have a family designator on their back window. You know, the mom and dad and one little stick figure for each child and stick dogs and stick cats. Or, the mama turtle and daddy turtle and all the little turtles, same with the family depicted with Oleanders.  As they sped past me I caught a flash of green. Curious because I have never seen a green family designator I chase them. The little green family designators are aliens. There is a mom alien and a dad alien and 2 little children aliens. I have never to my knowledge encountered aliens so at the stop light I creep up on them and Shaggy and I slowly turn our heads to get a peek of them. They look like humans.  We brave a longer glance they look like humans but with softer features and they sit very still, almost like they were mannequins. Not human. Not Zombies either because a Zombie cannot sit still and their heads hang as though about to fall off.  We are awestruck, our first real encounter with an alien. I may have to go buy Alien perfume by ThierryMugler just because I love the scent and because …well…… ALIENS!!!

I went to shoot some photos of a Little League practice Saturday morning. Not a sporting fan I was like a ballerina in a tutu line dancing at Blue Bonnet Palace. I could not turn down the adventure though.  For some very interesting people watching and a plethora of personalities you should try this. WOW!! Some of you parents…..back off, go home, sit on your hands, tape your mouths, Really? Here is a bit of a clue…those men out there on the field with the children are coaches. Their job is to coach your child. You brought your child there to be coached. Let Mr. Coach do his job. Your child will not listen to the coach if you are there yelling at them as to what to do.  They will never have respect for the coach because they are seeing you disrespect the coach. If dad or mom does not respect the authority of the man in charge why should they? This filters down to their team mates. Why should they respect their mates who listen to someone their parents and they do not respect?  Do you parents who are “coaching” in place of the coach realize the amount of stress you are subjecting your children too? Do you even care? It is not you playing out there. It is not you being judged. STOP!! Competing is stress enough but now you are in the mix so they have to please Coach, team, themselves, friends and you? The only people in the world who love them unconditionally (aside from GOD) and you are adding to the stress level. If I disappoint mom and dad will they still love me?   To you parents who let your child and their coach enjoy the game, have an exciting adventure this season. You are allowing your child a learning experience that will enable them to be successful team players in whatever job they perform. There were all levels of players out there, male and female, they were all adorable, brave and shy, experienced and beginners.  After some warm up exercises the coach told them they would get to pitch and catch and run to see where they would best fit in and by the middle of the season they would all be ready for High School Baseball. (These children were all between 6 and 8) It was hilarious. I laughed another mom laughed I saw a couple other parents smile, most looked very un-amused. The children? They were cheering and whooping and getting very wound up. They were envisioning themselves age 9 playing on the local High School Varsity team next spring.  It was a great motivator statement.  I thank GOD I had no children into sports but I did enjoy my morning.
Two springs ago a pair of Titmouse built a nest in a wreath on my door. They laid 4 eggs. We discovered the nest quite by accident as they had built on the very top portion of the wreath.  Scarlet kept attacking the door. Then one day I heard a ruckus outside the front door. That is when I discovered the nest and the pair of birds refused to re-nest it. The eggs died. I took the wreath down and vowed not to put another one up during the summer and spring….until this year. I hung a wreath filled with holly and pinecones and pine boughs on the door for the winter months. It has been horrifically warm this winter. Just a moment ago Scarlet took a leap from her perch on a partial room divider at the front door window.  I waited and watched Scarlet as she was waiting and watching the front door. Then it hit me. The Titmice birds were back. I sprang to the door, pulled it open and off they flew. I removed the wreath checking it for a nest first and brought it in the garage.  Mr. and Mrs Titmouse were livid. Talk about Angry Birds!!! They are some angry birds. They are screeching and buzzing my front door.  

Guess what is parked near my front door…..

Lady Tamara  has decided that if she ever is to host a party with live entertainment it will be a 15 minute performance with Kurt from Glee. He will sing Bad Romance because the gaga creature cannot sing it as well as he can. Have you heard him roll those Rrrrrrs? Sexy!!!Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

 I will also wear blue velvet and he can sing that song too. The people who judge the dresses worn by actresses at the Oscars are NOT invited. Mean, spiteful, haters!

Looking for my funkiest outfit to wear today to a luncheon.
What will you wear?

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