Wednesday, May 30, 2012

NOT my McCoy

Mother is watching the Hatfields and McCoys. She is from that area of West Virginia. She has seen episode 1 3 times. I admit it is a bit confusing if you do not know the players. The 3 day television event should have come with a playbook, map and list of characters color coded so you know which clan member was shot by the other clan member. Not all McCoys had the McCoy last name; same for the Hatfields.  My Grandmother who was a Battin had a very distant relative named Priscilla marry a William McCoy around 1777. They stayed mostly to Pennsylvania and Maryland. My McCoys did not arrive in Kentucky until well after 1880s and as far as I can determine were not related to the McCoys
Roseanna McCoy

However I have not hunted for ghosts in that direction.
They did mention an event in episode 2 last night that I had just done some research on about 2 months ago that did involve ghosts from my Mother’s side.  I cannot recall the names or place this occurred but the portrayal was pretty much dead on to what happened. I am inclined to spend the day today chasing ghosts. I vaguely recall my Granny Ina mentioning the feud and to which side her family claimed. She mentioned this when I was a young teen and I was thrilled with the story and  legends, that sides did not matter. She remembered but I got the impression she was not directly involved in any of it. I did not think to pursue it. I suppose I believed she would be around forever and I could ask her some day. 
The Hatfields. 

The ancient woman I interviewed when I lived in Alabama for a school project. She had lived in what was referred to as the Oredman-Shaw House.

 It was a town home in Montgomery. The woman recalled living there during the Civil War she was 3 -7 years old. She told me her Mother had a house maid sew coins into the hems of hers and all the childrens dresses and coats. I kept that interview for a very long time but have lost it after several moves and a flooded storage room. I should have interviewed my granny. 

After checking fares to Salt Lake City yesterday I am inclined to believe that it is a very popular destination for the rich and famous. I could not find a ticket for under $500.  Do they NOT want visitors? I could fly to Dan Diego cheaper. I drove through Utah once. I did not see anything fabulous except for the cave drawings. Maybe the city itself is awesome. I will not know will I Salt Lake? What does the name Utah mean anyway? Who named it Utah?

Lady Tamara will now be contacting Anthony to see what help he needs for the Jazz Festival.
Stay jazzy everyone! Now where is my Etta James collection?

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