Monday, October 28, 2013


Dear fellow ghost hunter,
You are looking for information on a white man aged 62 named Robert Griggs who died in 1850. Adding a fact sheet from an 1870 census listing Robert Griggs as a 34 year black man is …uh….. not helpful. Did you even look at the census before you threw it up there? Have you ever read one of the census reports? They are very interesting not to mention enlightening. Try it!!

I find odd names at times hunting these ghosts and I just came upon King James born in 1797. James James. The husband of my 3rd great aunt is Jesse James, no, different Jesse, calm down, Commodore Baker and his daughter Missouri Bell Baker. Here is one that is in my family Glorvina. Glorvina O’Dowd is a character in William Makepeace Thackeray book Vanity Fair which was written in 1847.

 My first Glorvina was born in 1836. Yes, I said first there is another one in 1870. There could be more I have not tracked down every 4cousin 2x removed yet.  It originates from Latin the word for Glory.  I could have been Agnes Glorvina people; sounds very Victorian, as if I could have been a character in a Jane Austin novel.

All Hallows Eve is about here! I will explain it simply. November 1st is All Saints Day or as it is also known All Hallows; the day all Saints are celebrated, those that are known such as St. Catherine and those least known such as St. Leonard. According to some Christian religions every Christian is a Saint so the day is for celebrating all people. All Saints Day is actually day 2 of Hallowmas. It is a National Holiday in most countries where the population is mostly Catholic. November 1st as a date to celebrate Saints has been in use since the days of Charlemagne (742 -814 AD).  

Hallow -  To respect or honor greatly; revere. So just as Christmas Eve is the evening before Christmas, Hallows Eve, Halloween is the evening before All Hallows Day. This is day 1 of Hallowmas.

It is believed that the veil that separates this life from the afterlife is very fine and thin and on Halloween the spirits of the departed may slip through into this world. To keep these wandering souls from re-entering a body masks and costumes are worn to confuse the spirits and disguise the families. 

In Portugal children go door to door and beg for treats which usually consist of tiny cakes, nuts and pomegranates.

Day 3 of Hallowmas is known as all Souls Day. It is to celebrate those who have been called home by GOD. It is a day for remembering the dead and flowers and candles are left at gravesites. 

This day has been celebrated since the 13th century. In some countries a tradition known as Souling is popular. Children and the poor will go to the homes of the wealthy and beg for food. These children were expected and a tradition has grown from it where a treat known as Soulcakes are baked and given to the children as well as money, fruit and other treats. Ale is given to adults who accompany the children.  They often chant this rhyme, "A Soul-cake, a soul-cake, have mercy on all Christian souls for a soul-cake." In exchange for the treats the children and adults would say a prayer for the departed of the household. The Soulcakes were often called Souls and eating one release a soul from purgatory.

Processionals are often formed in graveyards along with a priest who will bless the grave-sites as they proceed through the graves.

Now you know it is not just one night of revelry it is a long tradition of 3 days of celebration.


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