Monday, August 25, 2014

Bad Cat

You never know what names you may come across while hunting ghosts but there it was on a list while I was hunting for Matthias Ayres, Johann Henrich Schertz.

We are not related to these Schertz people. It is an unusual name and since it is also the name of a village near where I live I noticed it. The list is called German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania 1727-1776.

I just came across a website for ghost hunting called…. You are not going to believe this…. (as in who’s your

Monday has started out with my cat Scarlett peeing on a new rug in my bathroom. She just cannot stand rugs on floors or she hates me. From the look on her face I think she hates me. You can just see it, she is thinking “peasant! I pee where I want!” Yes, there is a litter box in the house. Yes, I know the experts say if they display inappropriate behavior there is something wrong with them. No, she is just a bloody cow! I just lectured her and she is giving me a look now that interprets “You are on some sort of psycho rant woman! You need medication!” I know the look because I had a fiancĂ© that would always say that to me (and his ex-girlfriends) when he displayed inappropriate behavior and wanted to cover his guilt by shifting his own anger at himself to me. She is now sitting on the floor staring at me, flicking her tail about. Use your words cat!! I am already fussed up.

My brother has enlisted me in a performance today for his (step) daughter’s birthday. We are going to costume ourselves as hill-billie country bumpkins and surprise her at school with a wild version of Happy Birthday. It is official. I am an actress. Of course since it is my brother it is going to be a low budget production with costuming coming from the vast selection of odd clothing in my closet. Peasant looking skirt, straw hat, messy braided hair, an apron and an old Harley Davidson shirt.

Speaking of being an actress. On two separate occasions at two separate bars/clubs/dancehalls I have had people tell me I am nosey and rude for asking questions and creating conversations. WHAT??? One guy mentioned he was in a play so I started asking him questions about the play, his involvement, what else he had performed in. I was interested! The other fool had a tattoo and was getting all upset about it. Dude!! If you did not want to have to explain it then maybe you should have had your arse tattooed!! I would not ever, ever, EVER!!!!! Have seen it. After some evaluation and considering where I was I have decided I perhaps belong at an art gallery or coffee hangout. Maybe these guys were hoping I was a lonely cougar. NO, you bloody wankers I am a jaguar and I hunt/prowl and play alone! But then silly drunk girls are just as bad. Oh, your hairdresser is mad at you because you want bangs? Oh, your friends are trying to talk you out of Botox? Yes I am sure they are jealous. You spilled a cosmopolitan so your date bought you a rose. Sweet. No, those jeans do not make your arse look big. You are a size 3 woman!! Eat a bloody cheeseburger, with bacon!!! You are a grown-ass, over 30 something woman. You are supposed to have an arse!! Being the only sober person in a bar can be entertaining actually now that I think about it. I am getting an idea for a book! Conversations at a Bar. Or… I Walked in a Bar and….. Or,  Observations of the Sober.

I also have no tea and no coffee. It was my intention to go buy groceries over the weekend but I got involved in a hint I discovered ghost hunting that we are related to Joan Crawford, the actress. You youngsters who do not know who that is there are a plethora of movies out there go watch some. She is/was a most beautiful and talented actress. More on this later.

Ok, I have tried to include fleshy things in my diet and well… I just do not like hunks of meat sitting on my plate. I cooked a flank steak stuffed with spinach and feta rolled into a pinwheel last night. No. Ate a small portion and threw the other away. Picked most of the chicken out of the pasta I made. Cook my bacon until it is crispy as a saltine cracker. Same with sausage. I am not saying I am vegan. I just do not care for flesh on my plate.

I am up for adventure today! We will chat tomorrow!

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