Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pass the Pepper

Yes I rant about things that are silly but I also rant about myself. For example… I opened an email this morning that I received yesterday and much to my shock it was an invitation to a meeting.  My pulse raced. I looked at the date and in my mind it said today. That is what I get for waiting until today to open it. The first thing I saw was accept or decline. What???? What time does this meeting start? 10:00AM it is 10:00AM now! I am not dressed for a public appearance. I am at home working in my office. I am comfortable and ready to tackle the job.  Bloody Hell!!! I think as I dash into my room and grab some grey sweat pants. This will have to do. I swipe some gloss on my lips and off I dash. Good thing I am three miles as the crow flies from the meet. I park and dash in. I look at the receptionists and exclaim “I think I have a meeting with Jackie, Stewart, and Everett Calhoun.” We have not seen them around this morning. Well, the meeting started at 10:00. Wait, she says there is Jackie now. She gets her attention and in walks Jackie all smiles and I am all “when is the meeting?” She laughs and tells me tomorrow. Great! They laugh at me as I am being overdramatic (if you can imagine) about getting the date wrong. I regain my composure and announce with a flourish that dress rehearsal is over for today I will see everyone tomorrow. I wave and leave. I need a handler.

As I mentioned in another letter I found a clue linking us to Joan Crawford whose real name was Lucille Fay LeSueur. I am hunting this ghost now.  I have followed this trail which led me from Virginia to Tennessee through San Antonio to Abilene, Los Angeles and New York. John Hales Ayres is my 4th Great Grand Father. Through his daughter ( my 3rd great grand aunt) Susannah Hales Ayres who married a Charles Le Sueur we end up 4 generations later with Lucille Fay Le Sueur. My fourth cousin whose name was changed to Joan Crawford. The famous flapper, dancer, and Oscar winning actress. Dear Cousin Joan was born in San Antonio Texas. So what some of you may refer to as ….”She is crazy” is just my DNA with more whimsy and less drama.

I have been craving crushed pepper on everything. I mean I am putting pepper on everything, eggs, French fries, guacamole, lasagna, and even salmon. It is crazy. I am using black pepper because at the moment it is all I have but I would like to try other peppers like the pink or green or white. As usual this has me curious as to what is it about the pepper I am craving. So we will discover it together.

Black pepper which was once used as a sacred offering and even used as currency grows on a vine that can reach 33 feet. The plant thrives best in hot, humid conditions. When the new plants are about 3 years old they produce tiny white flowers. From these flowers come little round berries known as peppercorn. Grinding these dried berries produces what we put in a shaker and call pepper.
There is 15 calories in 2 teaspoons of pepper. It is high in manganese. 

Manganese is essential for humans to consume. A lack of manganese causes bone loss, or deformity. Bones need it. It also joins up with several other enzymes and helps to create healthy collagen which is necessary to healthy, youthful skin. This marriage of these enzymes and manganese also help the skin to resist UV damage.

Manganese also aids your digestion process by helping it turn digested fat into sugar that your body will burn as fuel. This adorable little manganese is also when teamed up with its friends a little warrior attacking toxins in your system, protecting you from free radicals that roam your body looking for something to attack. Once these marauding radicals and toxins are destroyed your stress levels go down, your skin glows and Asthma is improved.

The outside along with the inside  of the peppercorn when ground freshly on to your food and eaten does this amazing little destruction dance right in the middle of your fat cells. Breaking them down so your body can dispose of them.
Black, green and white pepper all come from the same plant, the peppercorns are just in various states of maturity. Oddly white peppercorns are the ripest. They are soaked in brine and the very black shell is removed leaving the white seed that was inside.

Pepper nigrum as it is classified stimulates your taste buds. Waking them up and encouraging them to notify your stomach that food is on the way. This in turn stimulates the hydrochloric acid that aids in digestion of food. If this acid is not produced your food will sit in your stomach for a long period of time leading to indigestion. Worse!!! The food can pass undigested into your intestines. This is where it gets ugly! This now rotting food will be very tempting to some really ugly, cranky, mean spirited gut bacteria. This bacteria is now feasting and that will lead to frolicking which does not sound bad unless this party is happening inside you. For you, the victim of no pepper on your food, is explosive gas, bowel irritation, constipation or diarrhea.

Well I am going to eat more pepper, thin, good skin, no farts and no stress. Oh yeah!!!

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