Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Devil of a Malbec

We are cruising down the road to the venue for an event we are both going to be participating in. She is an artist and will be painting in a small vignette live while the party goers observe and I will be portraying a Vampire, muse for one of the artists. It is for a Vampire Masquerade Ball.

She is driving her vehicle like she stole it. We are in the wilds of some back road in San Antonio and there are speed bumps every few hundred feet but she does not feel the need to slow down for them. We crash on over them and speed on.  I guess they are intended for other people, not Wanda. Yes her name is Wanda. I always liked that name when I was a child. I thought it a magical word since it contained the word wand. The name Wanda is Polish in origin and translates to young slender tree... actually a wand. Wanda was the daughter

Death of Wanda, painting by M. Piotrowski. Illustration from a book History of Poland from  1909 (collection of JM)

 of King Krak the founder of Krakow.... or so the legend goes.

I hate to say this but the ants are back. After 4 days of washing and air drying everything in my closet because most things are "non Bubba friendly". I went to hang something else up and there the bloody bastards were crawling all over my newly washed clothes. I even scattered Borax all over the closet and took everything out for the second time in less than a week.

The good news is I took 6 bags full of remnants of my former Bohemian wardrobe to Goodwill. Swirling gypsy skirts, scarves, jeans, tops, jackets, boots all gone. While this has been liberating and I feel free and unhindered by any former idea of who I was and maybe still am what do I wear until fall rolls in and I can decide who I am again. Come the end of summer I am going to get rid of even more stuff...
this is very exciting...

except for the ants who motivated this....

 like one of the seven plagues to invade Egypt while Moses was freeing the People.

But wait there is more. We hauled they bags to my car and flipped open the trunk which popped open with ease. Shaggy then attempted to close the trunk. Yes attempted. It failed to close for her or me no matter what we did the trunk would not close. So we had to move everything to her car and place a box of sidewalk chalk on the trunk of my car to keep it closed.

As we were checking out at the grocery store earlier today we saw a female customer attempt to take the sultry young Jonathon home with her. He was being polite and chatting with her as he checked her out and bagged her groceries but as he handed her the last bag the lanyard around his neck swung forward and collided with the bag just as she wrapped her hand around the handle and turned to leave. Jonathon head and body was dragged on to the counter of the bagging stand. She was mortified, he looked a bit shook up and tension filled the air. I laughed and politely asked her if it was her normal Monday shopping experience to drag home cashiers like they were willing pool boys at a Sandals Resort in 1984 in Acapulco?

They both laughed and she left.

I usually do not buy wines with silly Sorority girl names. Like Girly Girl,

Skinny Girl, Fancy Pants, Be Flirty,

 etc. You get the picture. However in a funky mood and at Target I grabbed a bottle of Handsome Devil  Malbec.

I was prepared for the worst but was pleasantly surprised. The violets came through as did vanilla, blackberry and some mellow spices like in a lightly dusted Snicker-doodle.  It was a bit too sweet but velvety and a little too easy to drink. I am glad I picked it up and as the Johnsons said it is the perfect introduction to Malbec wine. Too bad I had already been introduced.

I shall wine on...hahahah

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