Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Thanx McClellan Mom is Alive

My daughter cooks a chicken breast every evening for her fiance's lunch the next day. They buy a large package of chicken breasts which she divides up into smaller baggies and then rations out all week.

One morning I opened the fridge and was assailed by a horrid stench. I cleared out all the leftovers thinking they were the culprits and closed the door. Over the course of the day the fridge continued to stink.  The next day it was beyond retched and I could not make breakfast the smell was so horrific. So.... it was not some random forgotten leftover.  Shaggy opened the door but quickly closed it. Finally Chazzy came into the kitchen to see what all the fuss was about. He pulled the fridge door wide and screamed. He stuck his head in and after rummaging through bags of grapes and cheese in the back of the fridge behind the drawers in the bottom was a baggie with a piece of chicken.  He pulled it out, gagged three times, threw it in a bag and ran out the front door and to the dumpster. I got out the Lysol and cleaned the fridge.  I am still not able to think about raw chicken; did not phase them. He still eats chicken every day for lunch and there are bags of flesh in my refrigerator.

I am not a fan of the Jack In the Box commercials with the big headed Jack guy, however the one where he saunters into the pool is kind of sexy. Nice ass Jack!!

Mother has been watching a Civil War show on PBS all week and she slipped over to it last night when the Regurgitater Freak came on America's Got Talent. (Seriously??

 that is NOT talent and real talented people are going home because the sheep want to see a freak show). She was telling me how amazed she was at what really happened during the war and how it was not what they taught in school. Ya think mom? She is thoroughly enjoying it and is seriously wondering how with McClellan on the side of the Union they won.

                                                         U.S. General George B. McClellan 

 I looked at her and said "Mom you should be glad he never moved his troops and engaged in battle or you might not be here, your people obviously were across from  his army. " She looked at me like I had grown another head and then said "that's right!"

The older she gets the funnier she gets.  The more interested in local gossip from her old hometown she has become sharing it with me. I barely remember some of those people having met them only a few times as a child. She looks forward to those weekly chats with her cousins and her sister and friends from college.

I wonder who will I chat with when I am old..... my cats?

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