Thursday, February 18, 2016

Why So Early?

I was reading an article about something to do with photography on a travel site. I scrolled on down to the comments because sometimes, there is more information to be shared by commenters and then sometimes there is foul mouthed, insensitive insults being hurled at the writer, then the bullying starts and people attack each other over comments. It becomes a verbally violent environment.
It seems it starts when one person attacks the article but does not stop there. They then move on to also attack the writer. This causes someone to attack back in defense of the writer and the fact that they are simply expressing an opinion. “It does not make the writer a gooftard, or imbecile” and BOOM! The fisticuffs begin.  
I am all for leaving comments and to responding to them. But when it becomes disrespectful and belligerent I am not sure it is a good idea to leave them there. I also am not sure they don’t deserve to be addressed or the behavior be addressed. Delete? Ignore? Respond and try to bring some civility back to the area?
Maybe just respond to the comments or questions that are not instigating a fight and delete those that are clearly rude and aggressive?
People!! Be nice!

I have discovered that I am to babysit my granddaughter 

right up to the Saturday I am to leave on the cruise. 

Now this is a lot of shuffling I will have to do. Increases the intensity (code word for stress) of the adventure. Pack what I want to take on both trips, do laundry at her house before I leave. Drive back here meet up with Savannah and then drive to Galveston Friday night or the crack of dawn Saturday?

This will only work if Bini or my nephew do not have to work Saturday. Maybe we can go one week later. Hmmmmm…..

Maybe I can find a different trip that will be just as fun, that costs the same and will give us more flexibility on when. She tells me if we go in June it is 3 times the price it is now. I accept this challenge.

Did I tell you about the herd of men I saw at the grocery store at 6:30 in the morning on Valentine’s day. Every one of them had flowers of some kind; Bouquets, arrangements, flowering plants. Some had candy in heart boxes, bags, giant bars. Many had containers of chocolate covered strawberries and a few had a stuffed fuzzy and a balloon here and there. While it was all truly sweet I have been wondering for the past few days why they were up and at the store so early. I believe they may have had a vast assortment of reasons but I would like to know.

Just get off a 4-day shift at the fire department. Forgot about it. Just drove back home from 2 weeks in oil field. Just got off work from the base or hospital or wherever their midnight shifts had them? In the dog house for being out the night before too late. Guilty about the affair you have been having. What? Not judging just curious at what the early morning motivation was.

I would like to think that they had wonderful surprises planned all day and this was to be the start. Or…. maybe they planned to be gone all day with the guys and this was the blow softener.

should have asked...

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