Taking on ballet in a room full of strangers. Showing up for swim lessons so I could become a mermaid. Climbing the hill behind my granny’s house every summer despite my cousin telling me there were mountain lions and bobcats. Walking to and from school, riding my bike all over the neighborhood, going to parties without everyone’s parents also having to attend. Walking to the movie theater for afternoon matinees. Riding my horse through the woods, playing golf with my dad, swimming in the ocean.
Now… thank you everyone who contributed I am fierce and not Tyra Banks fierce.

Mother became confused about the plot while we were watching CSI Miami. I had to explain it to her and in keeping with her norm she doubted what I explained was right. I later had to explain the Angel Dagger while we watched Castle because she got confused about that.

Then she wanted to know why some people wore hats and others did not.

That became interesting and in case you wanted to know a baseball cap is NOT a hat (according to mom) and hats/caps should be removed upon entering a building and at the dinner table. Yes Mom that is true.
Some woman came cruising around a corner in a parking lot and nearly ran head into me. Why? Because she is under the delusion she is entitled, her life matters more, she is unclear what side of the road she should drive on and she believes she is part of the elite. But most of all because she had her visor down and was looking at herself in the mirror.

Dear dog people out in the dog park by my window. Hush, hush voices carry...
People! please stop driving around with those blue handicap placards dangling from your mirror. Do you notice the notch by the hole

You place it om the mirror upon parking in a designated slot and you remove it when leaving that spot. It is NOT a badge, talisman, or medal you are supposed to display at all times. Stop this madness!!!
While I am on a traffic rant...if you are going to pull rudely onto the road in front of someone then PLEASE use your accelerator to quickly get up to speed so you are in the traffic flow. Going slow and starring in your rear-view mirror to see if I am going to slow down or even stop to accommodate you is reason enough for me to end you. Be courteous, considerate, kind, you are not entitled, do not disrupt, show some manners. Your need to control other people's lives simply tells me you are weak. Go home!
Since dealing with bad drivers was not enough to fuss me up; as I was walking from the parking lot on the sidewalk was a dead bird.He was lying on a pink painted section of concrete which contrasted in a dazzling way with his sunny yellow throat and milk and chocolate colored feathers.

Lemon poppy seed raspberry scones for breakfast.
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