Monday, December 19, 2011

Whoa ho ho

I took a long hard look at my printer, which was still not scanning I had tried everything. Talking nice, threatening, unplugging, turning off, shaking, reassigning it a wireless. It refused to scan and it was not talking to the Butterfly any longer. I had five choices, accept this situation (I am not good at this option), donate the thing to Goodwill and let them refurbish and sell (which is what usually happens), call in the Fin (which would require payment in cookies), uninstall the program and attempt a reinstall (this would require backtracking, an adventure in itself, patience which I was already very short on but, would offer me an intense amount of control and satisfaction if it worked), or retrieve my sword from the wall and go all William Wallace on the thing. The last one of course being my favorite option since I am very aware I have some displaced aggression just waiting to be unleashed. Then it dawned on me uninstalling is a form of destruction and required less energy. I opened the control panel and started. There were five programs that had to be killed. I was practically drooling with the anticipation of it. I envisioned myself like one of Frank Frazetta’s women, not, Lady Tamara more like Tamara Empress  Warrior . I named each program and one by one killed them. I was so exhilarated I could hardly wait to install the program.  I was practically daring it to not work right again. It asked me to do a test scan and so I placed a photo on the plate closed the lid and clicked the scan icon. It rattled and hummed and there before my eyes appeared a photo of me armed with a pistol . It was like TRON. I am sooo happy!!!!

There I was at a Christmas party with friends from a former job, teammates and ladies who worked there before me. We were having a wonderful time when the hostesses man comes home and is attempting to get from the dining room to the bedroom and he walks up to a group of woman and says “OK ladies spread” and waves open his arms. I stopped dead in my tracks. Had anyone else heard him through all the chatter?  The Ladies moved aside without skipping a beat and I looked at Moon and she was looking at me like I am sure I was looking at her. Spread Ladies? Are we in a Bordello? Is he inspecting? The visual in my head was like a drill sergeant walking past all the “ladies” with their goods spread for inspection. He was dressed like Napoleon but looked like Hitler. I just giggled.

What happened next was the best part of the afternoon. We heard sirens down the street. We all ran outside to look and there at the start of her street were fire trucks and they were slowly making their way up the street. Could it be Santa coming to town in a fire truck? I had not seen that since my oldest children were toddlers and we lived in Alaska. This was so exciting.  I looked over at Moon and there she stood with a huge grin on her face and a glass of wine in her hands. We all laughed at what the reaction of Santa and the firemen would be and the thought of presents of a different type came to mind. We waved; they grinned and threw us some candy. Santa laughed as he waved back and “Whoa! …… Ho Ho…HO” at us. The sweet faced fireman behind him smiled and starred at us as we faded into the distance.

Moon and I dashed to the street and picked up pieces of candy that had been touched by firemen. The treats are in my purse. Where I will pull one out now and then and show Shaggy and say “Look Shaggs a fireman touched this.” Mom!!
Shaggy and I went to a movie last night and saw New Year’s Eve. Loved it! Shaggy loved it and now has kicked Shia to the curb and is stalking Zach. It was very cute and fun and romantic and had a few surprises. To my surprise that little tiny flame known as hope that lives in the caves of my heart flickered. I suppressed it with a glass of wine when I got home. I feel safer but less human and very sad and shame on each one who attempted to destroy it. But now I know it is still there and that changes things. This is exciting.

Is your flame of hope still there?

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