Thursday, October 9, 2014

Creeper Day

I went to HEB this morning to grab some stuff to make vegetable lasagna in a Béchamel sauce for dinner 

and there were people in the parking lot just sitting in their cars. The store was open and they were in their cars. When I came back out a couple were still there and some were gone and new car sitters had taken their place. What is going on?

I also noticed it was creepy old men at the grocery store day. I came across 3 very creepy guys. Very. 1 spoke and said good morning the other two looked at me pretty much like was an elk and they were panthers and thinking about a way to take me down and not in an, I want a date kind of way.  Creepy. 

I have several events to get create for the Chamber, a news article to write, and a Gala to instigate. 

Gotta Go!

Wait one more thing... the Bourbon Pecan Coffee at World Market is mine!! Do not touch it people. All you "bought all the pumpkin coffee" people stay away from the Bourbon Pecan. I ain't palyin'!!!!

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