Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Irregardless Job

People!! I have had enough, irregardless of what some of you feel, think or believe is right, it is NOT!!! Irregardless is NOT a word. NO NO NO. I had a mate that used that word all the time as though he thought it made him seem more cosmopolitan, educated and well read. He came across like an uneducated buffoon!! He would use the word in social settings and I watched as people rolled their eyes and snickered at him. Yes, I mentioned it to him, no he did not receive my attempt to correct him well. He proceeded to yell and get violent all the time screaming that irregardless of what I thought, my education was obviously lacking and I was no match for his 121 IQ.  What??? Had I known that I, would have sought out a more intelligent being to donate some sperm.

I can find no definition in Merriam-Webster dictionary for this word.
Here is what the Urban Dictionary says…” Used by people who ignorantly mean to say regardless.” My thoughts exactly!!

Ir means, not. Less means, without, failure, inability to perform. We end up with not-regard-without, or inability to perform without regard. Which actually describes an abusive person.  He was able to perform his husbandly duties and fatherly duties without regard for his wife or children.

What prompted this little rant was a male creature commenting on an article and attempting to berate a woman who brought GOD into her comments about the article. He was obviously attempting to make her look stupid and in his words “sheep-like” for her faith in GOD. At least she used real words. So he came across looking like an idiot who has an insane fear of a GOD he claims not to believe in.

I am reading The Great House of God by Max Lucado as my devotional study guide. I am on the chapter The Chapel, A TIME TO BE SILENT. It is a lesson using Job. It made no sense to me a first. It reads on about all of the horrible things that happen to Job and the ridicule he takes from his friends and his wife about GOD. They say things about GOD as they each see Him and have experienced Him, about who GOD is and why GOD is punishing Job and Job replies back with all kinds of wonderful things to say about GOD and his faith in GOD and who GOD is talking and defending his GOD. Finally after this goes on for quite some time GOD speaks. GOD asks Job several questions that he cannot answer such as in chapter 38 verse 16 - Have you gone to the springs in the sea or walked through the valleys of the ocean depths? He asks many more thought provoking questions of dear old Job but this one caught my attention. At first I am not sure why GOD has interrupted his servant who was defending Him and speaking so passionately about him. I always felt GOD was angry and roared out His questions to Job in a tormenting way. I think now I am wrong. I think it was more like ‘oh you silly man. I am GOD I do not need you to defend me. I need you to have faith in me. I do everything for a perfect reason. Most of the time when others are tormenting us about GOD it is best to let GOD deal with the aspects of GOD and we just skip on down a path chasing a sparkly blue butterfly. GOD can take care of GOD.

Now what about that verse caught me.  Have you gone to the springs in the sea? He is asking Job to tell him where the beginning of the sea/oceans are. The springs in the oceans, the springs at the beginning of the rivers and creeks that feed into oceans, the beginnings of those springs or the beginnings of the springs themselves or the beginning of that beginning. It is an infinite question.  Job cannot answer that, he does not know where the beginning is. We do not know where the beginning is. Oh sure there are people that can lead you to the spring that is the beginning of the Frio river and maybe they can tell you where that spring begins and maybe how that little thing happens that causes the formation of water and so on but can they really tell you where it all began? NO!

The next part of that verse. …walked through the valleys of the ocean depths? How was Job supposed to know that there are valleys and mountains and volcanos under the seas/oceans? There had been no deep underwater exploration. For all he knew the bottom was flat like water in a bowl, or pitcher, or well. He may have known there were rocks and that it slanted downward but so does a bowl. He just told Job that for all you know, you know not much.  

Quit talking little man GOD says, I got this!

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