Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I have created orange cranberry scones for breakfast. And, although they are delicious with creamy butter slathered all over them they 
would have been ooohhhhh so much better with clotted cream a' la' Val. I miss scones and clotted cream. Or in my case I miss having a 
scone with my clotted cream. I was skinnier when I worked at tea shop.
Dear business owner, yes I realize I am grossly overqualified for this job. That is my choice. I am applying here because this is what I want 
to do. Hello?.....D&G Hello?....
OK, A truck, towing a trailer, just pulled up  at the housing being constructed behind me. A pack of men jumped out ran over to the fence 
picked up stuff carried it back to the trailer each pair making two trips, loaded it, jumped back in the truck and are off again. Like a 
well oiled machine. Wonder what that was about? Secret stuff? Centex pirating from Pulte? Scavenger hunt?
Bank just sent me a text message as they do every day and have since March. They are asking me exactly what I am asking you...
"where's my money?"......dubstep.....I must go post it to my facebook.....hold on! Love that piece of music.....LOL
WOW that tea cozy keeps that pot of tea so nice and very hot! I think I burned my hand.
Dear neighborhood, watching me go out to my car and attempt to start it and you, as well as I, hear the car go tictictictic....... and it 
not start. Seeing me go back into my house and go no-where. Does that mean anything to you? Because I do not want to misinterpret 
your behavior. I saw the three of you, male creatures, watch the entire thing. I even saw the female creature across the street sit on her 
porch and watch as though my life is a reality show for her viewing enjoyment. Oh!! Wait!!! Maybe it is.....LOL In Cali I expect this 
sort of disregard for being neighborly but you.... you people!!! This is Texas we are part of the south.... there is a code here you people 
have somehow over-looked. Just because you shop at Walmart does not make you Southern! Just because you drive a truck does not 
make you a good ol boy Texan....Really??.... You want good ol boy Texas example??.... Drive to Junction!! Better yet, be a woman with a 
child and a dead car on I-10 just outside Junction and watch how real men respond. I even had Cali plates. They were still heroic and 
honorable. When they realized I was from Texas I became family. They did not know me. I did not live there. Which reminds me, Dan 
thank you for everything you must deep down inside be a Southerner. Much loves!!! Now, what the bloody hell is wrong with my
 car battery!!! 
There goes a bird walking down the street....LOL.....Still walking..... where do you suppose he is going?  It is 17 miles to Marion and I am 
not walking. Anyone going my way?.......

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