Thursday, July 7, 2011


Dear insurance company, Thank you for your very curt letter in my in-box this morning telling me you are going to cancel my car 
insurance. I will pass this note along to T---- G---- B--- and see if they could possibly pay me what they owe me so I can pay you what  
I owe you. Because I am very sure their car insurance is not in jeopardy of being terminated and since they have been so thoughtful 
of the trauma they have thus far created in  my life I am sure they will pay me straight way. In the meantime while we all await 
"that" happening I would love it if your emails allowed responses. IS the reason they do not, because no one wants the job of reading what 
I am sure are very amusing responses. Mine would have been. I am sure everyone out here would love to read what mine would have 
said....LOL..... PS... I payed you people yesterday!!! Oh and if you are seriously considering giving the above (not) mentioned thieves 
money for sponsorship please call me we need to talk. 
I have noticed that lately I have been put into the orbits of people who are vital and glowing and full of grand ideas. Each one of them has 
asked me for a specific thing. Not a come work for me on this idea and make it whole. Just one specific task that is easily with in my realm 
of accomplishment and at the same time offers me adventure and challenges. It is giving me that "Mikey will eat anything" commercial feeling. 
Ask Tamara to do it. She will do any weird assignment for $100. Really?.... Well citizens my rate has just increased to $300 for basic 
assistance that can be accomplished in less than a day. After that you will draw up a contract with my attorney. Boy is he going to 
love me....LOL......
My mom went to her doctors yesterday after she called in the day before with some "could be serious" symptoms. Just be here by 8:30 and 
we will squeeze you in. OK she is 78. She has been nauseous and unable to eat or drink much of anything without yakking it back up. So 
she arrives at 8:30 and by 11:30 had still not been seen nor, eaten, nor had anything to drink. Can we say dehydration? MOM!!!! go 
get some water! There is no fountain. Ask the bloody nurses or aid or princess in scrubs  behind the desk for a cup of water!!! She is 
shrugging me off.....and what do you mean you are still sitting there? 3 hours no food no water and you are 78. I do not even want to 
describe to you the scenario of  vengeance at this rude and disrespectful treatment I imagined. Would they do this to their 
own mothers? Hey here is an idea... quit over scheduling patients!!!! I am sure that anorexic soccer mom whose child sneezed three times 
last night can wait!!!!!!!!! Really? Your over stressed ball kicking, gymnastic flipping, french horn tooting child sneezed three times?
WOW.... must be some horrible ailment? Give her a cheeseburger and take her home!!! Mother is calmly sitting there allowing this. No 
surprise to me. It is the way it is with Dr offices she says. WHAT????? Are there waiting rooms full of complacent people like this? She 
is old!!! She has been the wife of a warrior of this country. If you have never done that then you have NO idea of what I am talking about.
Now get her in a room with a Dr. Bloody Hell!!!! I tell her that if I find her passed out on the floor from dehydration I will be up there in
moments "dealing" with the situation and I will be bringing my brother. That motivated her. She called me back after 1 and said she was seen and 
had asked for water. I do not even want to get into what the Dr. said was the problem. 
I have this ancient photo of an ancient relative in a store. I do not know which relative because I had two that owned stores. One was 
millinery store the other a grocery- butcher market. The photo has both food and milliner stuff in it. I can not get it to enlarge 
and stay in focus. This little mystery is bugging me. I have photos of both  of the men but in comparing the three of them together I still can not 
figure it out. I also have a photo that is very Bonnie and Clyde looking of I do not know who. 
Here is a little morsel of info. In a small town in West Virginia is a bank. This bank kept its money in a locked box inside a locked room. One 
of the Younger Gang, when asked about robbing that bank said "No it was too small and would not be a credit to his reputation." OK 
James. Word of advice to all of you banks that were robbed. Perhaps having a vault was NOT a good idea. Just saying......
Back to my photos......

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