Monday, July 11, 2011


Can anyone help me figure out stamps? Is there a generic stamp that I may have bought 2 years ago for one value that carries 
over to today's value do I need to paste on 3 stamps from 2 years ago instead of one? How much is postage anyway. I would go ogle 
this up but I have become dismayed and discouraged by what you can actually find on the Internet. I was under the illusion as are 
most of us that you could find the answer to anything. This is NOT true. For example. I had read on a university web site that the 
giant, I mean redwood sized, huge, there were two men standing in front of this tree and they covered only 1/4 of its width, tree 
was used on the Titanic. WHAT? They had no trees in Ireland? This little fact, as all little facts intrigued me. I had to find this out. 
What a great question for End of The Day Trivia. So I google up lumber on the Titanic....LOL.... lots of "stuff" about the model of the 
Titanic. I keep digging, I will go through at least 10 pages of "hits" before I give up. I found that they used 2 different types of pine 
for the decking. Yellow Pine and Pitch Pine. Teak was also used in more "strategic" places. OK lumber I found. So I tried 6 different 
ways to find out where the lumber came from. I still do not know this answer. I struggled and read for over an hour. I know more 
about the Titanic than I wanted to. The lumber tag I read on the photograph sited its reference came from a book. I could find no book 
or even a reference any where else to the book. To me it is like the dinosaurs. 
I received my first check for my freelance work for the paper. I feel like I have crossed over into some other realm and am now a member 
of some underground league. It is odd. I am waiting for my secret decoder ring or for men in khaki to show up, put me in a jeep and 
drop me off somewhere and say see you in a week, now start shooting!! Yes, while leaving in my possession a passport and $6000 dollars.
I am having gypsy feet.... I rearranged my bedroom and mine and Shaggys bathrooms and am working on my closet. We shall see if this 
helps take the edge off the wanderlust. I loves this house but I am wanting an apartment or loft or cabin or cabana or ..... I can find 
nothing cozier cheaper. Smaller apartments are all much more per month. It is too hot here. I am a Viking and this oppressive heat 
does not suit me. I want to be outside but.... 
I was scheduled for an adventure today but I have been out of contact with the financier. I suppose we will find out tomorrow.....

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