Monday, November 28, 2011


It is one of those frosty mornings I crave all year. The air is crisp and chilled. I know that if I step on the grass it will crunch. There is a sparkly sheen of ice on Charles. I have my pot of tea and the fireplace is on. Downstairs the Christmas tree is lit. Now I have the dilemma of write in my room with the fireplace or write downstairs with the tree which will only be up and lit for the next 75 days, which sounds like a long time but will not be anywhere near that long. I woke up early and thought about a walk and then I thought a walk when the sun is up and warming on my face will be even better. So I will be productive now and then later go.

I brought the trash bin down to the curb this morning and the guy across the street was out warming his truck. So I said hello and do you know what he said?...... Nothing GOD love him. No, this is no surprise to me, I knew he would not respond and that is just a little bit of the reason I said anything. A neighbor who had never met us came by the other day while my favorite Shoe was outside and started chatting her and John up as thought they were new moving in here. He was surprised I had lived here for three years and wanted to know why we had not met. Of course I giggled and thought “really?” He started asking if we had met any of the other neighbors and it was about then I started to desperately find a way to leave the conversation. He did not want to start me up about the neighbors. I was as polite as I could be. I mentioned the man across the street being smacked by his wife one day as he waved over and we waved back, the crazy man who brings dead cats to my house, he could not believe that and did not understand why the neighbors did not appear to like us. Well, why ask me?  Most people react with fear toward us and it has puzzled me for so many years.

I received an early Christmas present in the mail. It came all the way from Scotland. I was so thrilled. There is a CD and a magnet and a sticker and a pin and a pen all proclaiming me as a Lady of Glencoe . LOVE it!!! Now I want stationary that proclaims it for my Christmas letters……hmmmm….. Can I copy and paste the logo, crest, seal, over to my letter and use it? The letter they enclosed in my present has it. I have added a photo of my tartan in case any of you are interested in getting me something Scottish.

I am going to finish up the last of the Christmas decorating today.
Are you decorated?

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