Friday, November 25, 2011

Pumpkin Pie

My favorite Shoe called me last night all in fuss about pumpkin pie and demanding to know my location. It was 11:30 at night. After much incoherent blathering and tears I discerned that the problem was this…. She had been looking forward to a pumpkin on Thanksgiving. She had asked me what the plan was for that day. I had explained to her a week ago that Shaggy and I were going to Grammy’s house. She was welcome to come with us. Shoe has no desire to see Grammy. I am NOT changing my plans. Grammy was looking forward to our visit and a puzzle. Apparently the pumpkin pie that was purchased from an “upscale” grocery store was not to her liking. It was not creamy and it was missing that one ingredient that I add to everything I cook. Love.  After explaining to me that she is my daughter (as If I could forget) and that I am supposed to make Thanksgiving feast for my family (by the way Grammy is my mother) and not anyone else she asks me to make her a pie. But that is not all. She was dis-satisfied with the stuffing they had bought also. The problem I see is some foods are supposed to taste a certain way for special occasions any deviation from that no matter how good it may really be it is just not “as good” or more honestly right. My Grandmother made homemade pimento cheese, my mother learned to make it the same way. She once tried to change the recipe and make it her own version, it was NOT received well. I make it the same way however, mine does not taste like my mothers or my Grandmothers. It is missing that one ingredient. Love. Other pimento cheese spreads can be good, are good, may be good, but none are as delicious or creamy as theirs.  I understand this in a way Shoe does not. Shaggy felt the same way last night but did not know how to express it. All she could say was “Mom next year can we just stay home and you make dinner.” She had not enjoyed the chef’s version of a perfectly normal traditional food.  I do not make stuffing like my mother. My children love my recipe for stuffing. I do not cook the turkey like her or make gravy like her. My conclusion is the Love ingredient.  To be honest having a huge family gathering and traditional Thanksgiving feast without my dad carving the turkey is just NOT fun anymore.  He is supposed to be in the kitchen, not dressed for dinner yet, slicing. Maybe I associate the aroma with my dad…..LOL…  So while my children are dissatisfied with pie and stuffing from other places I am associating the entire Holiday with my deceased father. If he is not here than I don’t want to be either. Is Pizza Hut open? Can I just go visit my in Scotland and skip the whole Holiday next year. 

Not only were my children and myself at odds with the day my mother was too. She was cranky at dinner and dissatisfied with her meal. This is her second Holiday in her new location. That first year it was overwhelming newness. This year it was melancholy. She realized what it was way before I did. But it dawned on me last night when Shaggy wanted to watch football in the living room where mother and I were putting together a puzzle so I could join her in supporting a team I care nothing about. She used to watch football with her Gramps. She was trying to cope her way through her loss by continuing the football tradition. She knows nothing about the game but likes to watch her favorite team play. Gramps would have patiently explained aspects of the game as she had questions. As she switched the channel to the game channel Grammy very tersely said “NO, you can watch it in the bedroom!”  Sam looked fallen and left the room. I was attempting to explain to Grammy when she said in a very melancholy voice with tears in her eyes “it reminds me too much of your dad and I can bear the sound today”.   So there I was stuck in the middle of …. Being a mom and a daughter?  Wanting to give my daughter what she needed and also allowing my mother what she needed. All of a sudden I hear a squeal from the bedroom. I jump up, run in and there she is all smiling and cheerful. As I am asking her what happened I hear it. That voice… her favorite movie star is talking about the last game between rival teams and football. There is Tom Cruise.  The answer to my dilemma is on the TV in that velvety voice talking about her favorite team. I was asking GOD for guidance through the challenge and Tom whether you believe in GOD or not HE placed you right where you needed to be at the right moment and I was thankful. That was my biggest Thanksgiving prayer of the day, Tom. I am Thankful for Tom Cruise.

I will be cooking stuffing and pumpkin pie on Saturday if anyone has not yet had enough or just needs some Love. 

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