Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tiangong 1

 I was there and heard the words of your frustration that flowed from your lips and do you know what I did with them?........

Why do people portray angels as soft fluffy beautiful female creations when the Bible does not actually portray them all that way? Wouldn’t we all like to think they are like Michael and smell like chocolate chip cookies, or even want them to be like Nicholas Cage and just smile at us all the time? Some may even want them to be like Michael from Legion. Maybe they are more like the other angels from the movie Legion. What about those heads with wings some artists painted? Or little naked toddlers with little wings. Maybe they look like that old lady who had fallen in her front yard and you ran down the street to help. Maybe they look like that man behind you in line who covered the 23 cents you were short for your water bill. Maybe they look like that flock of birds sitting in your tree annoying you with what to you sounds like horrible squawking but to GOD and them sounds like beautiful praises. Maybe some of them are soft beautiful fluffy female creatures. But I do not think they are 5’7” tall wearing an $80.00 bra weighing in at 112 and have a thong on…… I just do not see that.

Did any of you step outside last night and take a look at the Chinese Space Station  Tiangong 1?  It was fun. We waved from my mother’s balcony. She was very excited about the entire thing, going outside often all dusk and checking on its progress as the sun set further and further from it. Until one time she looked and it was no longer alight with the reflection of the sun. They say it is as bright as Polaris. I am here to say that is very accurate. Jupiter is also up there making an appearance but he is on the eastern horizon instead of the western. I have not gone out to look but Mars shows up very early in the morning. Sometimes I wish I had a telescope but I would probably be glued to it for hours. There was also a meteor shower peeking about 3 nights ago. They could not be seen by us because sister moon was so bright.
I read the most romantic love story last night. Maybe it should be in a teachable format. It said so much in about 2 pages. Not a love story in the sense of a romantic novel more of a romancing of you the reader. It was enlightening and wonderful and here it is if you want to read it.
Lady   is in need every other day of a hair-dresser. I have shampooed and fluffed with a magic curling gel and then twisted large sections upon my head to dry. Hopefully they will cascade down my neck and back in a froth of wild tendrils and look glorious. Or, not.
Is Dolly Parton bald up under her wigs?

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