Friday, November 11, 2011

Ninja ad

I am sitting here staring at a blank sheet of paper and wondering what I have to say today. I am strangely silent. This fusses me up a wee bit. I seldom am just silent. Perhaps I am in mourning for what I cannot do. Perhaps I am just exhausted from my week, Perhaps I have wandered once again into a stand of trees and cannot see that it is just a few and not the whole of a forest. I do have a photo safari later ….maybe I am conserving energy. Maybe I am depressed over the Prague adventure. You see Shaggy and I were going to go to Prague for Christmas this year.  We had started planning the whole trip last November. I had saved up a wee bit over $5,000 and was adding to it a little at time from my new job. A job that I was told would start paying off  small but after we went live at the end of November would be better and better. That did not happen. It did not go live, it did not make money therefore I made no money and I had to start using what I had saved to survive. Then Christmas came and it was still not live and I was promised a greater percentage of commission and profit sharing to the tune of 17%. I refused the greater commission and I asked for a smaller percentage.  Granted.  Still we did not go live. This went on for months and before the end of February I had used all of my savings. I kept getting promises from the owner, while another owner was all doom and despair. One kept telling me that he had a track on two investors and we would have money he kept telling me he had appointments with investors and that they were millionaires and that him and J would be out of the office and out of the city and meeting with these investors and all would be well…..keep working. He would be out of the office, he would be gone. I assumed he was doing what he said. Both of these owners behaved as if they knew what the other was doing. Maybe I was not the only one being lied to…… he was attending meetings alright but they were NOT with investors were they?   This ended in April with the company owing me over $2000. Now I am in a battle to get what I earned and the commission at the rate I was told.  I have J1 saying one thing to me and another to J2 and now J1 is denying everything he said to me. What I cannot understand is why I who have no reputation for harming others in a work environment am not believable and yet J1 who has had similar issue in two other states is believable. Curious the things you can find out with good Counsel. J2 if he is lying to me about what he was up to then maybe he is lying to you about what he was up to also. He lied to me about things, has it never occurred to you that he is lying to you? Why are you so quick to believe I am the one not telling the truth?  This is a question I put to you. My actions were based on what I was being assured of, promised and told by J1. He told me we had investors right up to the day I was let go and for a week even after that. He even told me to call you, to get paid that one of the investors had come through and you had money. Do you remember me texting?
LOL…… I think that this is the cause of my fuss. That trip to Prague we, Shaggy and I, should have been preparing for. I feel a little better draining some more of the festering poison. Not the whole experience…just the owing me the money I earned. That is the poison. The lies told to both us J2 that is poison. 
mmmmm….. maybe if I buy a lottery ticket I can win the money and take that Christmas trip to Prague my daughter and I had so carefully started to plan. I can feel a little spark of hope…..warm.
One more thing J2….. I am Lady not just Tamara.
Since my favorite Shoe is reading this and feels left out because I never mention her.  I must tell you what her man did. She decided that since they are rock-stars they needed body guards. They discussed this and decided they needed body guards with Ninja skills. He placed an ad on Craigs List for Ninja trained body guards. She thinks and so do I that this was a very sweet and romantic gesture.
I wonder did any Ninjas apply?

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