Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mistaken Identity

Yesterday was double point coffee day where I purchase coffee.  So all I have to do is purchase 4 more bags of coffee on double point day and I receive a free bag. Exciting stuff! I also needed tea so we looked all over the store for some pumpkin pie spiced chai tea. Apparently pumpkins have gone back out of season (more on that later). However there standing tall in the Christmas area is Comfort and Joy tea. 

Hmmm… Ok I will try it. Black tea, spices and a touch of fruit, Interesting.  There was not a price sticker on the canister of tea, but, it was tea how much can it be?  With coffee and tea in hand we make our way to the cash wrap. Devin our cashier gets all excited over the tea I have purchased. “You must really LOVE tea!” Oh I do I exclaim and then he asks me if I enjoy that flavor. “I have never tried it.” Let me know he says as my purchase totals a wee bit over $19. It was at that moment I realize what he meant about loving tea. I was about to pay $11.99 for it. A moment of Bloody Hell!!! Hit me quickly followed by I am worth it and I deserve to have nice things.  I did not blink I just smiled and handed him a reward coupon for $10 off.  The coupon failed to read, it was not expired I had not made a copy or printed out 2. He called for a manger. As I was about to say don’t worry about it and hand him my card she shows up. Before I can say anything he starts babbling that the coupon is failing to read, is not expired and I drink Republic of Tea brand teas and am a faithful customer. Surprisingly he is in a panic.  She takes the coupon attempts to run it past the scanner and ends up with the same results. She keys it in manually and smiling, apologizes for the hassle. Devin is smiling and sporting a “There everything is set to rights again” expression. I thank them pick up my bag and leave.

 The last time I was treated like a Diva was over 25 years ago over a box of Godiva Chocolates in Dayton Ohio. My last name was Van Slyke an unusual name but one that was fairly well known at the time due to the baseball brilliance of Andy Van Slyke.  

It was Christmas and I always bought a ballotin of chocolates for Phyllis.

  I could not get to a Nordstrom to purchase the said treats because there was not one near me so I phoned one in Cincinnati. I asked for the Godiva department and a woman came on the phone I ordered the size and then asked if she could ship it directly from the store to Phyllis in Texas. She said certainly. Encouraged by this I asked if it could be gift wrapped. “Well, it already is in Gold paper with swag of greenery and white berries.” I understand but I want it gift wrapped over that. “No ma’am we do not do that.” Ok I think, it was worth a try. Phyllis will be surprised to get them anyway I doubt she will care about gift wrap. She asks for my card number and then my name and address, Mrs. Van Slyke I say and give an address. There is a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. “Hello?” I am sorry ma’am what is your last name again? Van Slyke and I spell it. Just a moment she says, I will be right back.  She gets back on the phone moments later and tells me that the ballotin will be gift wrapped and carefully packed in dry ice so as not to melt and shipped immediately.  Ok, thank you I am thrilled and still unsuspecting. We conclude our transaction and as I am about to hang up she timidly says to me “Ma’am, Your husband Andy is my all-time favorite ball player. Thank you.” And she rings off. Uhm…. Andy Van Slyke is not my husband I think and now feel guilty about the whole exchange. I did not lead her astray she just assumed and it was not until it was over that I understood what had happened. She thought I was his wife and must have told a manager and they treated me differently when she got back on the phone. Now I was very curious to see what Phyllis actually would get. She got her ballotin exquisitely wrapped in thick red paper and swathed in a white tulle ribbon with holly and red berries packed in dry ice so it would not melt in the hot Texas December. Phyllis was impressed.  I had become very aware of the differences between them and me. It was huge! I wanted to be one of them.

Now I am Lady Tamara www.highlandtitles.comand I feel like one of them all the time! Especially buying Republic of Tea!  Hope I receive a ballotin of Godiva this year.  Don’t you want one too?

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