Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem

Here is something I found interesting. 47% of people on facebook were un-friended or un-friended someone over political opinions, comments, and votes. Hmmm…..

Dear Panera are you owned by Starbucks? Do you change the menu and then not change the menu we your customers see?  Does New York style cheesecake cream cheese go out of season like the bloody coconuts do? Shaggy and I come dancing into your store in our pajamas, sorry Cat it had to be done, to have a delicious pumpkin pie bagel and there on the menu it says New York Cheesecake as an option for cream cheese. Not only that but it also says it across a banner on the bagel bin. “Try our pumpkin pie bagel with New York style cream cheese!” YES!!!! NO!!! Says Kelly the man at the register; No what? No pumpkin bagel? I can see them. “ NO we have the bagel”  he looks at me like I am the idiot, “No New York Cream cheese”, and then he grins at me smugly. “We have not changed the signs yet.” Really? Is that true? Did New York recall their cheese cake ? Can you manage the honey Walnut or is that out of season as well? He now has the grace to look a wee bit embarrassed. Yes Ma’am we have that. Well make it so bagel boy!  It was probably the better choice anyway.

Speaking of facebook have you seen the post by the children whose father would not let them get a cat? After some serious negotiations the father told the children if they put a plea on his facebook page begging for a cat and it got a 1000 likes he would buy them a cat.  The son put the plea on his father’s page asking people to like the post nd explained why. Apparently within hours it had well over a thousand likes and is now at over 100,000 likes. Well done little family. Hopefully it was a Shelter kitty.

I discovered I have a grand Aunt who was a member of the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem. What is this I wonder?  Here is what I found out…  

The mission of the Order is to uphold the simple religion of Christ and further his Gospel of "Peace and Good Will upon the Earth."  To do noble deeds and by acts of kindness and works of cheer make the world better and brighter to him or her who in the hour of sorrow and affliction sees nothing but darkness.

Purpose of the Material Objective Fund

The Material Objective fund is an established Benevolent fund to help assist in the paying of medical bills for those who cannot afford them by any other means.

The White Shrine is a not-for-profit body organized under a charter of incorporation dated October 23, 1894.  It is not connected to the Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine (AAOMS).

Lady Tamara www.LairdOfLochaber.com was fascinated by this Aunt who was also a member of Knights Templar Auxiliary, Order of the Eastern Star, Ladies Oriental Shrine, Order of the Amaranth, an active member of her church and a school teacher. When did she sleep?

Speaking of sleep it is cold and grey outside I could go back to sleep. How about you?

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