Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Titus Pullo

I heard a knock on my door yesterday and as I opened the door there stood a man with flowers and a balloon.  I took them from him closed the door and set them on the table. Took a deep breath and opened the card. They were a birthday gift from Tony. They are beautiful and cheerful. I love them.

I next went and picked up my granddaughter E from her Grammy and then picked up my favorite Shoe.  We met her new foster dog Coolio or Julio, or Titus Pullo. 

He is big dog with a freakishly large head and twice the size of E.

 She walked in and after looking him over shoved him out of the way and walked on in. It was hysterical and slightly surreal.  Titus Pullo was a wee bit afraid of her but curious. He would come in close for a sniff and then when she would reach for him he would quickly retreat.

Upon returning to my house we met up with Lovey. She handed me a dozen roses from her friend Garrett.  We loaded up and headed out for an adventure; the goal: sunglasses for me for my birthday and lunch. 

 We chose Cheesecake Factory and immediately upon being seated ordered Martinis.  

Lunch arrived and we ordered Champagne. 

Next I was brought White Chocolate Blueberry cheesecake and a delicious cup of coffee.

 This is my new favorite cheesecake flavor.

Shopping came next and after trying on Christian Dior, Gucci, Prada and Versace we found none that we were crazy about. 

So we marched off to another store. Here I modeled Channel, Tiffany, Christian Dior, Prada and Gucci. We liked 7 pair. I reapplied my lipstick, some gloss and re-fluffed my hair. 

Phase two of the sunglass show began. We narrowed it down to 3 and then struggled with 2 which we loved both of them for two different reasons. One was serious glamour the other was funky hotness. 

We went with the Gucci because I am dreaming of Positano Italy for a vacation.  I wish I could have gotten both because the funky Channel were more my personality. Gucci glasses do make my face look slimmer though.
We took E over to her Grammy to spend a few more days, picked up Daniel from his mom and got back home about 8. They left for Austin and I finished up the evening watching it rain.

Great 9 Days of Tamara so far. Tonight is dinner with Mother and calling my two California daughters back (phone died while I was out).
We have 4 days left and I want you all to enjoy them with me. 

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