Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wyatt's Threshold

Dear Clueless woman, just because there is not a stop sign or a yield sign in the parking lot does not mean you are to drive into a lane of traffic without looking for oncoming traffic.  I had the right of way. You did not even glance up or over or look you just drove.  You did not even glance into any mirror or notice I was right on your tail. I had to slam on my brakes. Still you failed to notice.  Then as you did finally arrive at a stop sign you simply looked left and turned right without stopping.  I would have excused the rest but that move alone inspired me to create volumes of various reasons about why you were so careless and oblivious.  I pray that you are just witless.

I watched Wyatt Earp last night and though the movie ends with a brief history about what happened to a few of the family members it did not tell me what happened to Morgan’s wife Lou.  I want to dig into history and ferret out that information. I love a good puzzle/mystery.  What did inspire me was the tradition of carrying the bride over the thresh hold. Is anyone else curious?

Carrying a bride into her new home protected her chastity. If a groom carries her into his home her eagerness is now hidden. She maintains her virgin reluctance for the happenings in the marriage bed. She is viewed as pure.

Folk myth also says if a bride trips on the threshold on her way into her new home she brings bad luck into the home. So the groom carries her.

Evil spirits that are Earth bound often attach themselves to the innocent and pure. These innocents are susceptible to these spirits through the souls of their feet as they are in contact with the ground. If a groom picks her up and carries her inside the evil spirits release her as her feet are no longer on the ground.

These traditions are ancient and date back to the early Romans.

Want to know why the groom has a Best Man? Maybe tomorrow I will share this exciting tidbit.

Lady Tamara must now write about Valentines for her Artz Council. 

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