Monday, August 12, 2013

Beautiful Sarah

The local grocery store apparently had advertised in their weekly sales flier that they would have 4” potted miniature roses on sale for $1.99. As I walked past the flower department I saw them on a cart with quickly typed signs posted saying they apologize but due to a crop failure the advertised 4” miniature roses were not available instead they were offering 6” potted miniature roses. They are sorry about any inconvenience. Well you bloody well should be! Asking me to pay less money for more flowers is immoral not to mention just plain evil! I bought one out of spite. 

One of those giant wasp/bee things that are burrowing in my front yard just made the mistake of coming into my house. He flew straight to the window and is now exploring various options of escape. Of course there are none. If he will fly down lower to the ledge it is my intention to capture him and return him to outside but right now he is just …well….stupid. Oooo he sounds mad!

After he visited with me and the cats for over 3 hours I finally managed to scoop up the fatigued creature and put him outside. Wish a raspy buzz he flew off. I have not seen him since.

My first cousin Mordecai was showing my mother how to use her phone to take a photograph. This is the result. .

I found a sad tale while ghost hunting. Sarah McKenzie was 13 she had long dark hair and blue eyes. It was said she was beautiful (of course she was, she is related to me!) The year was 1778. Her father an older brother had gone out looking for their horses.
They had just recently moved and having not yet built fences the horses were belled and turned loose to graze. In the morning they could not hear the bells and believed the horses had headed back toward the old homestead her father and brother went after them leaving her mom, her and her younger sisters and brother at home. There had not been any Indian trouble in a while so everyone felt safe. The Indians passing by had seen Sarah and two of her sisters who were also very pretty. They decided to take them. The women barricaded themselves in the house with nothing but an ax to defend themselves with. Sarah fought the first man and actually served him up a blow so hard to his shoulder and neck he died. This outraged the other men and their attack became more determined. She wrestled the next man, grabbing his knife from its sheath (this is why I will come to the conclusion I do) and stabbed him. He grabbed the knife from her (now he is probably very angry) and kills her. Meanwhile her mother is killed as is her baby sister and her brother. The two other sisters are taken captive and the men with the girls in tow head north. These men also take a 15 year old boy from a neighbor and food from another. They are not found again until 18 years later. Their intent was to take the pretty girls. If they had murder on their mind would their knives have been sheathed?  Why worry about a woman, and some children. Her brother was 15 why kill him if they took another 15 year old boy from a place a few miles later?  Had Sarah not attacked first and killed their fellow man would they have killed? Just wondering….

Charles is going in for repairs today! I get a rental car; probably a white Hyundai.

I have biscuits in the oven.

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