Monday, August 5, 2013

Spidey Phone

Dear Chevrolet, I live in Texas. I do NOT speak Spanish. Just because we live in Texas does NOT make us of Spanish descent. We are also NOT part of Mexico. I believe we won that battle about 100 years ago. We speak English or at worst ‘Tex/Mex” . Do NOT feed me ads in Spanish and expect me to be thrilled to hop on over and check you out. Oh, and by the way I will NOT be buying a Chevrolet. And, if this is because I translated a few words at google translate I was creating an ad where a chihuahua needed to say "Mi nombre es Paulo".

As I was listening to Sarah Vaughan sing Someone to Watch Over Me,
 I wondered if I had Angels watching over me all day what do they do? Just watch? Hang Out? Do they sip on my coffee when I leave the room? Can they taste coffee? If they can’t do they wish they could or does food not even cross their minds because they have no stomachs. In Genesis 18:8 it says …When the food was ready, Abraham took some yogurt and milk and the roasted meat, and he served it to the men.
As they ate, Abraham waited on them in the shade of the trees. These are three men that appear to Abraham. They were Angels and look it says “they ate”. Hmmm…..?

I am at the office (the other one not the home one) and was about to wrap this up when I received an e-mail to write an adoption plea for a dog named Bingo. Oh yeah, you guessed it, now the bloody song Bingo is wafting around in my head. My mind in running wild with ideas for an attention grabbing song introduction to this dog; something like…..there was a family that raised a pup and Bingo was his name-O.

My daughter, Lovey who graciously put me on her phone plan had her phone uh…. Relocated while at a club
and mine is still shattered as you recall. She decided that since my phone was due for an update that she would get new phones all around. Mine is coming in the mail and has been scheduled to arrive since Thursday and then Friday and now today she informed me and them that I am at this office. It could have arrived at the office on Saturday. I am looking around to see if Miss J may have received it while she was here over the weekend and low and behold I see a phone. It is red (love red!), it is compact (Great I have small hands) it does not appear to have a lot of bells and whistles (it is a phone not an i-pad) it has Spiderman on it.??!!!??? 

I have waited for 5 days for a Spiderman phone? I am a DeadPool girl (something about a man with a Teddy Bear).
This cannot be right!! It does play a quirky little tune when it rings though.

Still waiting for a phone….

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