Tuesday, June 28, 2011


There is a mini dozer working steady on the newly erected house behind me that apparently only has one direction...beep...beep...beep 
backwards. A team of six and some machines have these houses up in a few weeks. I wonder how long did it take many men and no 
machines to build say....Chadwick or Chateau St. Michelle? Of course with the latter you had to deal with tides. This in my own mind leads 
me to ask ...where is middle earth? Did anyone else notice how the people on the freaky elephants resembled the Persians from 300 or 
 the other way around. Did Tolkien write them that way? There is a difference in King Xerxes in 300 and One Night With the King. If 
we think Xerxes 300 I can imagine the fear Esther has to overcome to go to him uninvited to ask for the lives of Israel to be spared. 
If this is a truer depiction of him I can see why Hitler banned the book of Esther from the Bible. What happened to Vashti? The rod 
of Aaron was given to Tamar what did she do with it? Legend says there was more than one rod.
Horatio came tearing out of Starbucks yesterday like his hair was on fire. What was up with that? They run out of caramel? No more 
Bob Dylan sings Motown CDs? Dude .... slow up!!!!
I had received a sample of Perfecting mousse make-up. I used it yesterday. The only thing it perfected was the way it appeared in the 
jar. Really? Maybe it is "perfecting" if your skin is already perfect. The texture was great the feel light and powdery but it lacked the 
ability to perfect. Oh wait ....maybe  it is not meant for my over 30 skin. It is designed for the 18-23 crowd.
I had a meeting with my first client yesterday. Made a sale!!! and I reconnected with a friend. It was a good day.
For those of you who missed the wedding, as I did, let me recap from what I was told. Grand father was cussing and screaming and 
dragging a very frightened 6 year old around by his collar. This caused one of the wedding party and several guests to charge to the rescue. 
This then resulted in threats of Police and CPS. Back out to the rolling car-bar. Out comes Father Misinformed. My ex-wifey (housemate) 
straightens him out. Moments later the bride comes running out and wails but apparently no tears or she had David the magician 
of make-up in there with her. The wedding starts an hour late. The Bride then in the middle of a dance with a wonderful friend storms 
off the dance floor without so much as a word and leaves him standing there alone. The Grooms words right before the ceremony "well
if this does not work out we can always get divorced". Great start to the rest of your life ..... and she wants to have your baby.....
GOD bless them everyone.

Monday, June 27, 2011

the way you lie

My daughter and I had a Lord of The Rings Fest this weekend. I love those movies. I love each and every character. For their strength and 
weaknesses. Trying to figure out which one I am more closely related to  is difficult because there is in me a little of them all. I find a 
little treasure in each movie as I watch that I did not see the first time. A subtle look or expression, lighting, action in the background.
The truths and the lies and the things left unsaid. There is one thing each character has in common I notice. They are faithful. To the 
quest, to themselves, to each other, and to those whom they are fighting to help and protect. Faithful, even when things seemed hopeless 
or imperfect or they encountered hardships. Faith led them on.
"I love the way you lie...." I do not care for that song. However, it was what best represented a neighbor last night. She was  outside 
on her porch in the dark well past midnight drinking and singing that song loudly. Not a happy drunk singing it. A sad, hurting singing. 
Maybe her sorrow comes from the breaking of faith. Now that I write this I can not recall the last time I saw her man's 
truck parked outside the house or him in the pool with their child. Maybe he was deployed and she was just having a bad night. Maybe 
his job takes him out of town  and yesterday was her birthday and she remembers him saying he would be with her for every 
birthday she would ever have.
My slumber was interrupted by this, and thoughts of how my adventure might unfold today and feeling anxious to start it. I had wondrous 
imaginings, something that has eluded me these past many months. I was having fragmented conversations with GOD and musings. It was 
great. I felt a freedom from strife I had not felt in a long time and to be honest that had me feeling a wee bit fearful. When you are held 
in bondage, a prison, you eventually grow complacent, accepting. I was fighting hard against all of those things and angry at not only
what had caused those things but that I was feeling that way. I am no longer in that place. I can see a vague light beyond the storm clouds.
This has stirred my spark of hope into an ember the size of a cantaloupe. Big change. I am excited and anticipate each day with more 
joy this is the thought that led me to fear. I had gotten comfortable in my despair. Slumber came and I was thrown from dreams and am still 
in that grog hazed world of a startled awakening this morning. This is not how I wanted to start out my day....LOL..... but this is where 
my starting point is. Good morning everyone....Whose agenda are you really on?

Friday, June 24, 2011


This morning is a letter to Mr. Steven Spielberg and George Lucas
...and it goes a little something like this.....
Raiders of the Lost Ark.... great, wonderful, mystical and now I know where everything that is a treasure in all the world is really 
 sitting...... in a box in a warehouse somewhere in DC. As disturbing as I find that I also find it somewhat comforting. They were in pursuit 
of a Biblical relic.
Temple of Doom....could not wait to see it. What was THAT about? and what were you people thinking? Entertaining but not as much 
fun as hunting down a Biblical relic. Bordered on fantasy. I was disappointed.
The Last Crusade. You redeemed yourselves and brought back the reason I fell in love with the Indy. He was charming as a boy, his dad was 
just like I would expect (he could have been my great grandfather) was brilliant and charming and free spirited. These people felt like family 
to me. They went after a Biblical relic. Deep down inside guys we all want to find proof of the stories of the Bible. we want to believe they are 
true and real and that those stories which have lasted a thousand years did happen. I really expected that one to be the last one. I thought 
you were giving us a hint in the title. I would have been sad but I could have accepted it. I almost wish it had been.....
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Really?....?... Really?.... what the Bloody hell???? Aliens? Really?
The only wonderful thing to come from that movie was Mutt Williams. That little piece of picking the right actor was brilliant. 
Now gentlemen you owe us a movie! I think...here is an idea for what Biblical relic Mutt and his family should look for. Moses.
Yep the Moses who led the tribe of Israel out of Egypt. He is buried in a tomb somewhere. Do you know who buried him?........
 GOD..... yepo only GOD knows where he is. There is already a video game and a secret book about Indy and The Staff of Kings.
It would take little effort to make the story fit for Mutt. Yeah I know it takes place in 1939 18 years before the Crystal Skull but guys...
it is a movie. Do what you want just give us an adventure to rival last Crusade and go find Moses. Read the stories and legends....
The Archangel Michael and Satan had a fight over Moses. Moses appears in the company of Elijah with Jesus. Maybe he will come to dinner at 
your house and ask you to make this movie. . . . ...     ... .. . or not

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Breakfast Letters: $65

Breakfast Letters: $65: "I have my pot of tea. I have an overcast morning. I had no where I had to be until later this morning. I was going to enjoy some peaceful l..."


I have my pot of tea. I have an overcast morning. I had no where I had to be until later this morning. I was going to enjoy some peaceful 
lounging. No, that was not to be. The cement trucks showed up at 7 and have been pouring cement for a foundation across the street. 
There are two pouring and one waiting. Pretty soon I will be boxed in. Houses on every side. This thought does not please me. A little cabana 
on the beach.... ah, now that pleases me. I had that once a home two blocks from the beach. Best mornings of my life.
I was listening to DJ Shaggy spin some tunes in my rolling stereo device the other day when she played some Michael Jackson. It was a 
seldom played piece and very new. But I did not have to ask if it was him only MJ can make those sounds. I can tell if  a piece of music is 
Prince because only Prince can make that "Prince" sound. She busted out Luda and his 'Luda" war cry every time he sings. Yes that is true 
he has that particular sound and weird as this is to some of you but I can hear Timbaland because only he can make that uniquely "uh uh 
uh" sound. There is just something about the pitch, tone and timber of his voice that is way over the top sexy. Purrrrr. I suppose a few 
women find that to be true of Barry Whites voice. Love me some Timbaland.
My daughter had bought a membership to a Planet F (which shall forever from hence forward not be mentioned except to be called
 f for this story) for her sister because she had a bank card. This was costing my daughter $25.95 each month which my daughter #3 
was paying her sister back for. They all went happily along to f several time es a week enjoying workouts and tanning and all the facility 
had to offer. Daughter #3 has moved to Austin and because her new apartment has a gym she does not need the membership any longer. 
Shags went to close the account because she did not want to go without Daniel and her sister. Shags had to "buy out" of the membership.
What? I went from calm docile mom to "lets burn the m****** f****** building down" in about .09 of a second. Hey I have an idea. why 
don't we just close that bank account and open another one and you get nothing. You want to ruin her credit....LOL.... she is 12 and 
if you want to waste time, money and energy tracking down a 12 year old to ruin her credit bring it on. Really!!!??? All of this is 
rolling through my mind like Germany during WWII. I said nothing (not easy for me as any of you who know me can imagine). She looks 
at the anorexic girl behind the counter and asks how much will that be? "$56.95" Shags does not even flinch. She whips out her card 
flips it down on the counter and looks at the girl. She picks it up rings it up and people.... guess what ?... there was tax on it. No joke!!!
$65 to "buy out" of your membership at f. On the counter at the register is a huge bowl of yellow and purple pens. I notice that the 
pen she is using writes with purple ink. I ask if they all do? yes she says. "Well then I am taking one of these $65 pens with me".  I grab it 
and we are out the door. Can you imagine what the f stands for in my mind?
Borders has moved all of the large graphic novels to the front of the store back behind the counter. The reason we were told was because 
people were stealing them. However they left all the little ones that would be easier to steal and sneak out on the store floor. Weird. 
What would be easier something sized ginormous like a coffee-table book or something the size of a postcard? I suppose since I am NOT 
a thief of books from Borders I do not "get it".
I have a coupon for a free mocha-fatty-frozen thing at McD. I am out of here!! 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

John and his sister

The house they are finishing on the street behind mine, I can see from my window, has the back door ajar. It is like an invitation. A welcoming. Please ....do come over for a cuppa. It does not have a cover over the patio either I see. I am not sure what the designers or builders were thinking. My home does not have a covering, awning, or roof over the back patio and the wood and frame of the door are rotting as is the window sealing from weather. Most of these homes have great front porches. Big ones. Most of them do have back porches. Both of mine are great except no covering. Are they, the builders in cahoots with the porch builders. You know those independent contractors who build fences and landscape. Is there a job in the middle of all that for say the person who is connected to the builders and the landscapers. A job say I could do? Make referral fees and commissions? Hook up the home-buyers with the contractor who will finish out their home. Work with the home owner on what they need and how much they want to spend and then facilitate that happening. Have interior design teams, landscapers, renovators, pool guys. I mean since the finishing touches are not happening anyway. Since there seems to be some sort of mafia style racket going on. I can be in the "racket" business.Speaking of pools. The pool my daughter spent all that money on in my back yard for my granddaughters Birthday party, collapsed. Yep, one night I went to bed it was fine the next morning I look outside and it is a as flat as a pancake. My guess is the cats killed it. I had seen them perched on the side of it and attempting to drink from it. But it had to be a situation much larger than a mere hole. I would like to see the video some day of what really happened the night the pool went down. Down brings me round to Shaggy and her tube. She has been going down to the river on a regular basis to float down the river. (like that?)Finster had bought a couple of tubes and lets her use one. She has claimed it as hers and has named it The Black Pearl. They are going to paint the name on the tube for her. Very clever I think. It is round, it is black, it is on the water. Black Pearl. It just happens that there is a very famous ship in a movie named that also. On the subject of movies..... can we have some out here please? 2 hangovers, 1 bridesmaid, 1 Nancy summers messy bloomer 1 x-men, 2 green lanterns 1 pirate 2 animated versions of the same movie..... come on!!!! And hurry up with the next saga in the dinosaur films Stevie honey!!! And isn't there another great story about some hard luck race horse? Love those!!! Will some one please make a movie based on the Assassin Creed video game.yeah...that would be great! How about some more Indiana Jones tales... Maybe from his younger days or moving forward with his son. Where is John and his sister lately? Love them together in movies. Well I must go turn off the sprinklers and water the roses. For those who know me.... my gypsy feet are getting itchy.... I have rearranged the furniture a bit and am doing little things...it is helping somewhat. It is like I can hear music faintly in the distance and I need to go find it.I must not think of it is as stuff.... but it all really is just stuff..... I could pack a few things and ......

nose scar

I was perusing through my regularly scheduled emails yesterday when my I came across what was supposed to be an enticing ad featuring 
what was I am sure, supposed, to be a unique and beautiful pair of shoes. They were black with creamy white blotches or maybe they were 
a creamy white with random scatterings of black splotches...anyway they had a large medallion encrusted with black rhinestones,
or possibly Swarovski   crystals, knowing the quality of merchandise I know exists within the over-sized glass and brass doors of the store. The shoes had a spiked heel and finished with a pointy toe. I did not see art, I did not feel joy, I did not think " Oh I must have 
these man trapping beauties". No, what I heard was Cruella DeVille laughing diabolically somewhere not too far away. Could this be the 
trailer for yet another version of 101 spotted pups? Please!..... Steven..... Mr Spielberg....... Please!!!!! hurry up with that Dinosaur movie. 
I fear what movie inspired designer accessory may flow through my email today. A purse shaped like the Green Lantern symbol that actually 
lights up green? Noooooo..........
Sam and I were on a mission yesterday. She needed heels with at least three inches of heel and not a mule. Pump or sling back. We were 
goodwill hunting. After what seemed like 112 pairs of shoes we found the ones. Baby metallic blue. Very Paris Hilton. These are for practice 
Our lovely friend D, who is the most amazing pageant coach ever, said to get the heels and walk walk walk until the zombie walk comes 
as natural as breathing. Needless to say our evening walks have been like a turn up Park Avenue in 1890 on Easter Sunday. She looks like 
a zombie with slight cupcake hands. What will we learn tonight? Why do the guys get to do the aggressive, show stopping "spotting". I 
would tell you all these answers but they are trade secrets. I am not even allowed to know. 
Have you noticed when there is a scar or mole or wart on the end of a persons nose it is very hard to look past it at the person? I have 
a scar on the tip of my nose. Not really a scar but a red blotchy dot. The only thing I can remember is that it has not been there all 
my life. It came into existence about 10-15 years ago and the only thing it could be is the pimple that grew there one day. I covers with 
a little concealer and powder but, to me it looks huge and bright red and just obnoxious. I suppose I could say I earned it in a fight 
with a girl in the Ladies room over her man being a player and he asked me to dance and maybe she should not be so insecure or she 
should get her man under control.....her ring cut my nose when she punched me in the face.... blah blah....or .... there I was minding
 my own business at a club in Austin which I am never allowed to enter again,when some drunked up boy came and sat on my
 lap and attempted to make out. My boyfriend jumped up unlocked the butterfly knife and as he was waving it in the boys 
 face his girlfriend jumped him and I grabbed her hair and about that time the bouncer grabbed me and the big honking metal 
bracelet with the spikes scraped the tip of my nose....blah blah.... Yeah either one of those sound good.
I have applied for several jobs that I am interested in performing that are not in my normal area of expertise but that I am more than capable of 
doing and for less money and not one single place has even bothered to call me. A business associate has suggested that I am overqualified. 
yeah but is that not my decision? Maybe I am tired and just want a simple little job. Hey Val I know of a project where a tea shop might fit right in 
want to talk?
Horatio!!! I saw you stalking us yesterday!!! STOP! It creeps me out. We were at one store and there you were. We stop to grab a bite of lunch and 
there you were creeping past the window, we come back out and get in our car and there you are in the parking lot. What do you 
want?..... Two cars back and one lane to the right....we saw you!!!! 
Where did you last see Horatio?

Friday, June 17, 2011


There I was writing away on my breakfast letter when all of a sudden a window pops up and asks if I want to save. Save what? I had just shifted 
positions and I thought I had accidentally hit a command key. I hit cancel and guess what?....... it did. Right before my disbelieving eyes the
 5 paragraphs I had just written over the last 20 minutes disappeared. The butter fly shut down and there went a most amusing dialog.....
I can never write it the second time as well as the first time so it is now lost. I will however recap the events.
Mason did not "come out of the closet" he really did though come out of a closet.
If your employer does not provide health insurance he will be fined and you will be fined and you will have to pay an extra tax. If you are a direct descendant 
of a revolutionary patriot you should be exempt. Happy 4th of July Americans !!!!
Do not ...I repeat do not ever ever ever stop at Rudy's to get fuel before a job interview. All she could think about was food. All I could think 
about was the disgusting smell of searing flesh that clung to my hair and clothes. 
If you recall Mr. Ed you are not old if you remember Francis the talking mule you are old. 
A bug the size of a hummingbird slamming into the windows over and over. Reminds me of me trying to get _____Gives ____ to pay me the 
money they owe me. Yes ..... they still have not. Despite what the owner is saying.......LOL..... like I  would just say "oh don't worry about the 
$2000. REALLY????
Finally, Cass and I are walking to her vehicle  arms loaded with food for the lunch and Learn when a fairly attractive man can not stop 
starring and grinning at her. He walks over and starts chatting her up. She politely converses for a moment and then gets in the car 
and with a forced smile through her teeth asks me who that was. I giggle. I have no idea. But why does the engaged girl get the attention?
Why ignore  the single girl? Hey !!!! Over here!!!! You know nothing is as attractive as a girl who is no longer available. Creep!!!!! 
I would have destroyed him in about 2 weeks!!! Why? Just because I can !!!!! Leer at my BF like an anxious puppy. Go home!!! Your mommy 
is calling!
So the moral of the day was ..... move to Costa Rico and wear liquid smoke for a perfume and never buy your own lunch again.
What is in your lunch box?

Thursday, June 16, 2011


It is gloomy looking out this morning. Love it!!! There is the appearance of a hint of rain. That is enough right now to satisfy me.  
Is there some twisted clinical name for people like me who like cloudy days? 
Was that an amazing eclipse last night? I watched it in real time from the Canary Islands via some telescope perched somewhere. Did 
you love google's doodle it changed as the eclipse changed. We will not see this again for a hundred years? Why is it that everything that happens 
in space will not happen again for a hundred years? No comets for a hundred years, no eclipse, no meteors, now our sun is taking a nap 
for a hundred years ( I am excited about this one....maybe it will rain in Texas now). What is the hundred year deal?
So, John Adams cooked himself up a big hunk of flesh after the war? Well he probably stole it from my kin folk after burning down the mill. 
Are there extradition laws that apply to Barbados?
I came across this forum last night where the question was "who famous or infamous are you related to?" I did not read them all there were 
well over 100 (that number again) posts and it was well past witchy hour. But I saw names like Younger Gang, Hamilton, Abe Lincoln's 
real dad...(?) Adam and Eve, that famous person...really?...yeah....no kidding?.....wow! She even mentions me in bio.... I giggled but did not even 
open it. I like the mystery of wondering who it might have been. I knew these two girls when I was 9 whose last name was Presley. 
They claimed to be Elvis's cousins. I forget which movie he had done that had just come out but they said they were in it. I had seen the movie 
so I asked them what scene because I had seen no children in the movie. They changed their story and said that he just mentioned their names in the  
credits. I looked at them oddly I recall because everyone knows the director does the credits not the stars. I realized they were lying 
and had nothing further to do with them after that. Whoa my mind was odd even then....LOL.... Integrity people!!!!
I have seen Horatio twice in 2 days after weeks of nothing. He must have been on vacation. we were cruising down the avenue when 
we came upon a familiar black vehicle. I looked over and ....."Sam look to your right" there he was right beside us. Sam and I both freaked out.
I pressed a little firmer on the accelerator and we moved forward. He took the 281 exit. Freaky!!! I love seeing him but not right beside 
me. He was probably headed to your house Eva now that he and I are aware you have a pool.
I shot some photos at the village Library the other day. It was exotic animal day. I arrived a little late due to a previous commitment 
but when I announced my intentions I was escorted immediately back to the animal viewing area. There I was just in time to snap a few 
shots of the peacock. Inside there was a crowd of small people and some moms and aunts and older sisters and grandmothers. I was 
busy looking for photo ops when there is a smallish person standing half inside my skin. I did not wish to step on the little person so. I 
looked down and there was my granddaughter smiling up at me. I was overjoyed. I had not seen her in weeks. I showered her in kisses 
and hugs and photographed her tiny finger as she pet an African Spored Tortoise. Her arm as she pet the kinkajui and it crawled up over her 
and tried to take my camera. A huge rabbit named Oreo, a ring tailed lemur that could wave hello on command and as I was leaving an 
alpaca with a mullet was being ushered in. Maybe I will see her there next event which I am told will be reptiles and amphibians.
 Oh goody ....snakes, and frogs and lizards and other creepy things. Maybe even a cayman no that is a Porsche I mean a caimen. oh,
do not get me wrong I would love to see a Cayman there with a big blue bow on it and a tag that said "Hi Princess....just because.
Love your soon to be Prince" or some other mushy sentiment. Love it!!!!
Today I am baking chocolate chip cookies. My house will smell divine....hints of vanilla, sparkle of almost burnt sugar the creamy aroma 
of chocolate...mmmmm........

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It  is flag day. J.D. showed up at lunch today wearing a shirt that looked like it could have been made from a flag. Now, I am not pro 
US flag clothes nor am I really against it. I mean I had a bikini that looked like it was made from a Texas flag. But it was Alaska and they  
are very anti Texas, so, maybe part of my purchase decision was based on antagonism or impulsive ornery fun. The later I think. He looked 
good and festive and everyone loved it. Did I find it a little disrespectful?...Maybe.... Did I feel it was supportive?....yes. How many people 
remembered it was flag day? How many noticed? Who saw it on their calendar and just passed it up? Someone asked me today what 
I would say about the 4th of July. What I would do. What my take on it is. I had to think on this for several hours. It is not one of those Holidays 
I "celebrate". I do not spend it with family or at a park or backyard BBQ. I did not see what any of that had to do with sacrifice, fear,
conflict, rebellion. What was the point of a char-grilled piece of flesh? I had kin folk who were here in the newly formed United States. 
 They were in the fray. George Washington knew them by name. They were brothers, one on the side of the freedom fighters the
 other stuck it out with England. Can you even imagine the conflict within the family this caused? It is something that gets mentioned
 in relation to the Civil War a lot. The shock to George. A man he trusted chose the opposition. How much trust did George then
 have for his brother who stayed to fight for freedom. Family was torn apart. A woman and her children were left  by 
 husband and father. I still see no reason to gather in front of burning rack of flesh and talk basketball or NASCAR. Do you people have any 
idea, while you are swapping Hooter girl or little Casey did this stories what happened to the wife and daughters of the men who 
remained loyal to England? Let me enlighten you.... The troops marched straight to his plantation where they burned the home, the barn,
the mill, and storage buildings. They beat and abused his wife and two small daughters. This woman and her children were then forced 
to walk in the heat of the summer with no food 125 miles to a prison. There they were abused for three more days. Then they were 
taken to a remote town under guard and left to fend for themselves. People we were not just fighting the British we fighting our own 
neighbors and family and peoples who were native to America. So maybe while you are exercising your "right" to grill you may want to just 
take a moment and reflect on the events that lead to your "rights". Look into your heritage. Research your family's role 
in establishing this great country. You know Benedict Arnold was not the only person exiled from this country during the war. Thank 
GOD my ancestors had the Pirating foresight to establish themselves huge plantations on Barbados years before. Did you know that England 
turned her back on the men who had fought with her. Families who once had land and homes were removed from them. They were
 refugees. Other ancestors of mine were rewarded by George Washington and fought bravely for the right to freedom. I will be thinking 
about ancestors and fighting for beliefs and sacrifice and gratitude. Then again maybe I will be in Barbados lounging on the beach thinking 
about my great (5 generations back)  uncle Richard. Ireland.... here is a grin and a wave to you for granting sanctuary. Loves you!!