Friday, June 17, 2011


There I was writing away on my breakfast letter when all of a sudden a window pops up and asks if I want to save. Save what? I had just shifted 
positions and I thought I had accidentally hit a command key. I hit cancel and guess what?....... it did. Right before my disbelieving eyes the
 5 paragraphs I had just written over the last 20 minutes disappeared. The butter fly shut down and there went a most amusing dialog.....
I can never write it the second time as well as the first time so it is now lost. I will however recap the events.
Mason did not "come out of the closet" he really did though come out of a closet.
If your employer does not provide health insurance he will be fined and you will be fined and you will have to pay an extra tax. If you are a direct descendant 
of a revolutionary patriot you should be exempt. Happy 4th of July Americans !!!!
Do not ...I repeat do not ever ever ever stop at Rudy's to get fuel before a job interview. All she could think about was food. All I could think 
about was the disgusting smell of searing flesh that clung to my hair and clothes. 
If you recall Mr. Ed you are not old if you remember Francis the talking mule you are old. 
A bug the size of a hummingbird slamming into the windows over and over. Reminds me of me trying to get _____Gives ____ to pay me the 
money they owe me. Yes ..... they still have not. Despite what the owner is saying.......LOL..... like I  would just say "oh don't worry about the 
$2000. REALLY????
Finally, Cass and I are walking to her vehicle  arms loaded with food for the lunch and Learn when a fairly attractive man can not stop 
starring and grinning at her. He walks over and starts chatting her up. She politely converses for a moment and then gets in the car 
and with a forced smile through her teeth asks me who that was. I giggle. I have no idea. But why does the engaged girl get the attention?
Why ignore  the single girl? Hey !!!! Over here!!!! You know nothing is as attractive as a girl who is no longer available. Creep!!!!! 
I would have destroyed him in about 2 weeks!!! Why? Just because I can !!!!! Leer at my BF like an anxious puppy. Go home!!! Your mommy 
is calling!
So the moral of the day was ..... move to Costa Rico and wear liquid smoke for a perfume and never buy your own lunch again.
What is in your lunch box?

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