Thursday, June 16, 2011


It is gloomy looking out this morning. Love it!!! There is the appearance of a hint of rain. That is enough right now to satisfy me.  
Is there some twisted clinical name for people like me who like cloudy days? 
Was that an amazing eclipse last night? I watched it in real time from the Canary Islands via some telescope perched somewhere. Did 
you love google's doodle it changed as the eclipse changed. We will not see this again for a hundred years? Why is it that everything that happens 
in space will not happen again for a hundred years? No comets for a hundred years, no eclipse, no meteors, now our sun is taking a nap 
for a hundred years ( I am excited about this one....maybe it will rain in Texas now). What is the hundred year deal?
So, John Adams cooked himself up a big hunk of flesh after the war? Well he probably stole it from my kin folk after burning down the mill. 
Are there extradition laws that apply to Barbados?
I came across this forum last night where the question was "who famous or infamous are you related to?" I did not read them all there were 
well over 100 (that number again) posts and it was well past witchy hour. But I saw names like Younger Gang, Hamilton, Abe Lincoln's 
real dad...(?) Adam and Eve, that famous person...really? kidding?! She even mentions me in bio.... I giggled but did not even 
open it. I like the mystery of wondering who it might have been. I knew these two girls when I was 9 whose last name was Presley. 
They claimed to be Elvis's cousins. I forget which movie he had done that had just come out but they said they were in it. I had seen the movie 
so I asked them what scene because I had seen no children in the movie. They changed their story and said that he just mentioned their names in the  
credits. I looked at them oddly I recall because everyone knows the director does the credits not the stars. I realized they were lying 
and had nothing further to do with them after that. Whoa my mind was odd even then....LOL.... Integrity people!!!!
I have seen Horatio twice in 2 days after weeks of nothing. He must have been on vacation. we were cruising down the avenue when 
we came upon a familiar black vehicle. I looked over and ....."Sam look to your right" there he was right beside us. Sam and I both freaked out.
I pressed a little firmer on the accelerator and we moved forward. He took the 281 exit. Freaky!!! I love seeing him but not right beside 
me. He was probably headed to your house Eva now that he and I are aware you have a pool.
I shot some photos at the village Library the other day. It was exotic animal day. I arrived a little late due to a previous commitment 
but when I announced my intentions I was escorted immediately back to the animal viewing area. There I was just in time to snap a few 
shots of the peacock. Inside there was a crowd of small people and some moms and aunts and older sisters and grandmothers. I was 
busy looking for photo ops when there is a smallish person standing half inside my skin. I did not wish to step on the little person so. I 
looked down and there was my granddaughter smiling up at me. I was overjoyed. I had not seen her in weeks. I showered her in kisses 
and hugs and photographed her tiny finger as she pet an African Spored Tortoise. Her arm as she pet the kinkajui and it crawled up over her 
and tried to take my camera. A huge rabbit named Oreo, a ring tailed lemur that could wave hello on command and as I was leaving an 
alpaca with a mullet was being ushered in. Maybe I will see her there next event which I am told will be reptiles and amphibians.
 Oh goody ....snakes, and frogs and lizards and other creepy things. Maybe even a cayman no that is a Porsche I mean a caimen. oh,
do not get me wrong I would love to see a Cayman there with a big blue bow on it and a tag that said "Hi Princess....just because.
Love your soon to be Prince" or some other mushy sentiment. Love it!!!!
Today I am baking chocolate chip cookies. My house will smell divine....hints of vanilla, sparkle of almost burnt sugar the creamy aroma 
of chocolate...mmmmm........

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