Friday, October 7, 2011

I have downloaded a free 30 day trial of a security system that is already running on the butterfly. It is the “super-charged” version. Ok, my system is not much faster, Even though I get a pop up about an accelerator. It gives me a daily report on the threats it saved me from both incoming and outgoing. The deadly files, the insecure websites, I feel like Harry Potter. The program sends me a reminder every day that my security coverage is about to end as it counts down the days until the trial expires.  There is a X in the usual place at the top of the little box, however, you cannot X on it.  You can purchase or remind me later. My wonderment is… why put the X up in the corner if it is not an option?  I don’t get it.

Let me tell you about Goblin. He is a black cat we rescued from a life of struggle and daily survival when he was about 10 weeks old. He was living with his mom and two other kittens at a boat shop.  I could only take one and as Jay asked me which kitten I wanted, I replied “whichever kitten GOD wanted for me”.  It was October 30.  We had a Goblin.  He howled and was frightened and fussy for days. I had to teach him cat manners and house manners. He finally fell into the rhythm of being our cat.    We called him Gobble Gobble Gobble, G, G-man, Brother G and G-Dude.  His food bowl said Prince on it and he acted like a dignified old man of Privilege. It was amusing. He would jump up on to a chair at every meal and calmly sit at table with us. He never got on the table or begged for a morsel. He would just sit there and watch us as we took turns chatting as though he was following the conversation. I would place a tiny bit of meat in front of him and he would lift a paw and delicately move it close to him where he would pick it up and eat it. My wonder here is if I am Lady Tamara of Lochaber does this somehow make Goblin Laird Goblin because I have no doubt that in his mind he knows he is. Perhaps I should review my paperwork or make a quick trip to 

Shaggy has been studying her driver’s manual. She is very quick to point out drivers who make mistakes. She has even been known to roll down her window and yell “illegal!!! illegal!!” at offending drivers. This is amusing to me and her. We were at a stop light where I had received a ticket for an illegal turn a few years ago when another driver made the same turn. Was there an officer sitting there to ticket them? NO Shaggy decided this was unfair and so did I so I laid on the horn and shook my head at them and explained to them that it was an illegal turn they had just made. They of course ignored me because they were not paying attention to me so Shaggy rolls down her window sticks her head out and yells illegal, illegal, illegal!!!!!  The people in the  vehicle next to us are shocked, the people to our right are laughing the people behind us are looking confused. We are laughing. Shaggy may not pass her driver’s license exam but she does know not to turn wrong at that light.

I made a quick note to remind me of a topic I wanted to discuss and all I can make out is destroyed for steak or maybe it says dishtowel frost eat it is spelled delshbal fros stech. I cannot remember what I wanted to say nor can I find the …… oh yes I do. It says dental floss stick. I remember….. What is with those little sticks that come in assorted colors that have dental floss strung between a “U” shaped end? Or perhaps I should be asking what is with the people ( not really sure about this either) that use them?  Why do I find them lying on the ground in parking lots? All the time? Do the directions say to carry them in your vehicle and discard in the nearest parking lot? Is there a rule somewhere I am unaware of that requires me to leave these offensive devices lying around for others? Do the birds need them? Rats from the nearby dumpster require dental hygiene? What? My next thought is; are these things really used dental devices? Have people ( again not sure I would call then this) really put these things in their mouths, between their teeth to remove food particles and who knows what else and then thrown them into a parking lot where (real) humans must now step over, around and be thoroughly offended by? What diseases might these creatures be carrying in their mouths that are now sitting in a public area? What kinds of people (guessing they may be people) teach their young to mimic or engage in this activity? I wonder if for just one morning, every person who ever picked their teeth with one of these devices woke up to a kitchen floor filled with every single one they used and just tossed aside and not into a trash can. Would they feel like I feel about it. Am I the only one this offends? Have my fellow humans become so accustomed to this sight that they now just accept it and overlook it?  Do others no even notice? Pick your teeth in a restroom and throw the picker in the trash!!! Really!!!!
What happened to the days of Emily Post and Miss Manners?  Designer purses and expensive shoes do not make you civilized.

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