Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I am currently out of sugar. I had a little left in my sugar bowl. I found 1 sugar cube in another sugar bowl. This makes for a challenging beginning to my day. Is this the only difficulty I shall face today or is this just the start of what will be challenge after challenge? I am very sure I am not feeling up to any further polishing or shaping of my person. My Bible study this morning likened life to Steinway crafting a piano. Bending the maple around the iron, lacquering, polishing, and pounding each key 10,000 times; can you image the same f# being pounded for 10,000 strokes of the key? I would go mad. Wait I am mad. I do not even like piano music. I think it is abrupt and abrasive. No wonder I am having a constant barrage of challenge. I prefer the violin. The sound and emotion are much closer to the song of my life. I suppose that it is no easy task bending the wood into that shape either. Just like in the movie The Red Violin, the soundtrack of which I love. Or maybe it is my secret crushing of Joshua Bells dancing with his violin.
Now about me going mad.... I was doing laundry, I pulled from the dryer the clothes that had dried and placed them in the basket. I removed from the washer the clothes that had finished washing and put them in the drier and turned it on.  I then started the washer and as it filled with water I poured in the detergent. I then and this is the mad part, reached down and stated putting the clothes I had just removed from the drier into the washer. I was halfway through the basket of clean laundry when I realized my mistake. I started to panic. Why I had I done that and what was supposed to go into the washer? As I backed out of the laundry room I bumped into the basket of dirty laundry I had brought down stairs. I was flooded with relief. I remembered what I was doing. I laughed at myself and had a vision of me going to church in my pajamas because I forgot to get dressed.
If only that was the end of the tale. I was standing in a receiving line at a function yesterday when the wife of a friend came through the door. I called her by her husband’s name. This again sent me into a panic. About an hour later another friend walks by on his way from the function and the conversation turned to a story of his cajoling me over another club. I looked at him as he walked away and called him by an odd name. I do not even know anyone of this name so where it came from is beyond me. This same thing happened to me 15 years ago and I made an appointment with my family physician. We talked and he asked me what was going on in my life. I told him about everything and we even went back a year in time. He smiled the whole time. It was stress. I did not feel stressed. He laughed. Apparently my brain was so full of the big picture and trying to reason it all out that little things were falling through the cracks. I followed his advice and reverted back to thinking about things like I did when I was 14 and my biggest worry was when could I get home change and get to the stable to ride my horse. It worked. I became blissful and happy and had no more episodes……. LOL… what is wrong with the … maker?.....LOL

Anyway why is Lady Tamara of Lochaber Highland Estates performing laundry detail? I should have a staff for this. Just like I should have a staff to ensure I do not run out of sugar. Did I have a staff at one time and forget to pay them? Oh dear… I cannot remember…….mmmmmmmmmm Maybe I should move my mirror to the back of the front door so as to see myself before leaving the house in case I forget to get dressed. Do I have a dog?

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