Friday, April 13, 2012

Is she yours?

My fairy Godmother delivered unto me a vacuum cleaner yesterday.

 I never sought to gain anything by these letters. But it happened. I am very grateful. I am not sure she truly understands what this gesture meant to me. Just as I am sure another friend, who sent me a bit of money in an encouraging card last June does not. I ask GOD to pour out showers of blessings on you.

Now for the overly rude woman at Chuy’s…… 

My daughter is a hostess. It is her job to greet you and seat you. She will chip you if the wait staff is too busy. It is NOT her job to inform you of the where-about of your favorite waiter. If she says he is off for the day he is off for the day. It is NOT her job to inform you as to why he is off for the day. That is his business and maybe the way the schedule was set. If the waiter in question is your son and you have just discovered he has lied to you that is your drama, it has NOTHING to do with my daughter. Grilling her like she is suspect is NOT acceptable. If the boy in question is your lover again that is your drama NOT my daughters! Writing up my daughter negatively in a comment card because you cannot have what you want is very unacceptable. Your complaint?..... she needs to be more assertive? How is this for assertive? Speak to her ever again and I will hunt you down and step on your neck! She is beautiful! Deal with it! She is enchanting! Deal with it! She is a joyful free spirit! Bloody well deal with!!!!

While I am on the track of rude behavior…. Dear city council person…. Attending a banquet and placing your campaign oversized cards on tables on top of the centerpiece is soooo very unacceptable!

 What in the Hell were you thinking? Did you see any other ugly piece of propaganda on the tables? NO NO you did not. We do not allow that. What if I came to your home and put my business cards all over your house? Tucked in the frame of paintings and photographs. Laying on top of your tacky bric-a-brac. Scattered all over your cocktail, end and dining tables. I am still in shock at this behavior. You do not even have an opponent. You spent an enormous amount on cards you do not need. That is YOUR problem that is not an invitation to scatter your face on ugly cards all over my bloody centerpieces. It is called disrespect and you owe me and apology! A public apology since you did this heinous thing in public. The little village you live in and represent now have left me with very negative feelings about the quality of people coming from there. Maybe I should show up at a public council meeting and ask you if you represent your district with the same careless disrespect you showed me and my centerpiece? Maybe I should circulate fliers with the photo I took of your behavior within your district? Perhaps I could just mention it on facebook and maybe 200 of my friends will repost. You are in public office. You are less than 20 miles outside of San Antonio…..

Wait!..... could this person be the same person that was ugly to my daughter?.....hmmmm I see very similar behavior…..

Lady Tamara will be opening up a charm school for rude city councilwomen.  

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