Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Night Ship

Has anyone else watched Mary Poppins their whole life and enjoyed it with childish carefree abandon?

  The Merry go round scenes are my favorite. 

Have you ever really listened to the lyrics of the Sister Suffragette song? I just listened, really listened to them. They are delightful!
We're clearly soldiers in petticoats
And dauntless crusaders for woman's votes
Though we adore men individually
We agree that as a group they're rather stupid!

I would like to play the part of Mrs.Banks in a Mary Poppins Performance. Or maybe Cook.

My bedroom is decorated as though a 19th century Pirate may live in it. I like it that way. Warms golds, browns, greens, reds and deep rich coppery orange all meshed together to create an atmosphere of having sailed the seven seas and brought back exotic treasures, Bits of India, Thailand, the Caribbean, Spain, Mexico, Turkey, Russia and Scotland. I hung a painting on the wall above my bed titled Night Ship by Montague Dawson.

 He was a British painter. I love this painting and wish I possessed the original. But it hangs there in all its blue glory not blending with a thing in my room. It is the first time it has been hung in here. I am going to start switching out my decorative pillows and the curtains and bring in some various shades of blue. I have done my bath area in blues. The jewel tones of a peacock. The bedroom is a bigger project but I started with a red table which is now a lovely Caribbean turquoise that I aged by roughly rubbing off the paint as it started to dry. It has moved the blues from the painting a bit and I like it. My daughter Lovey has decided I need to modernize and is going to buy me a new bed that brings me into the next century. Apparently she does not like my pirate treasure theme. Bring it on little girl!! I can design a room around anything!

My devotional study this morning asks why people limit their joy. They attempt to choose how and when and where and in what quantity they shall experience joy. I cannot wrap my head around this. Why? Why limit joy? I want, nay need!!!! Great gulps of joy. I want to wear it like a cloak that covers me from head to toe. I want to see others enveloped in joy. I find joy in watching the sugar cube dissolve in my cup of tea even while I am in the midst of battle. I am odd?
Speaking of tea….Lady Tamara www.highlandtitles.com must refill her cup.

Have a blessed day!

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