Friday, July 5, 2013

Day Life

Yesterday moved like a life.  Let me explain.

I awoke and had a normal morning; the kind with breakfast and a shower type of thing.  All very innocent; you feed the baby, you bathe the baby, dress the baby. Eventually you are ready to take it on an outing.  So life begins… I got the photo assignment for the July Fourth parade and festival in Garden Ridge.  I geared up and off I went. Spoke to the crowd, snapped some photos and staked out the turf. The festivities began with a pledge and a song to commemorate the event. Birth

As I was trekking my way to an advantageous point along the parade route a patriotic bedecked group of rambunctious little boys on bikes were discussing the rest of their day. One little guy showed up his cheeks flushed , breathing hard as though he had over-exerted himself, announced to his comrades that he had been granted permission to be in the parade. Cheers all around from his fellow bikers. They rode off toward the crowd in an excited flurry.  Youthful  enthusiasm.

I made it back home. Downloaded the photos, did a bit of editing, sorting and deleting and mailed them to my editor. Educational years.

I again loaded into the car and over to Schertz to work the beer booth for the afternoon. Excitement was the emotions that filled the park. The carnival, the BBQ contest, the apple pie contest, the watermelon eating contest all vied for your attention. The anticipation of the fireworks, the upcoming entertainment had the crowd anxious. We looked at every ID and wrapped wrist bands around large hairy man arms and delicate smooth feminine wrists. My favorite line became “Club Schertz we ID everybody!” people laughed then and their annoyance melted. I flirted with old men and catered to ladies. It was a frolic and every one was in party mood. I cajoled and smoothed and my former bartending days flowed back. Party Years.

After my shift I had some dinner and watched a movie and heard the sound of fireworks. As I stepped outside I could hear men up the drive from me arguing loudly and still the distant boom of the fireworks. They got louder and the boom kept going. They cursed each other and yelled and more fireworks exploded. One of them got in his car and left. A few moments later he came back and still there was the red glare from rockets. At last the troops showed up and converged on the scene. Conflict years.

The fireworks had ceased, the men arguing had stopped, the last remnants of pear infused vanilla caramel disappeared from my tongue and the bottle was empty. The End

Today is the obituary of the life that was yesterday.

Enjoy your adventure!

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