Thursday, July 18, 2013

Just a Puddle

She walked out of the building as I was walking by, ohhhh it stopped raining she wailed…. The sun is out she said with anger. Uuughhhh she moaned. Can’t we live somewhere else she whined? At last, I thought, one of my peeps! Because, I was thinking the exact same thing in the exact same tone.

Sweetheart!! You live in the country. You drive a truck. It has been raining for two days off and on.  Swerving your truck into my lane as I am driving in it to avoid a puddle is not well done! Really? You would risk our lives in the hope that I will slow down or stop so you can avoid driving through a puddle?  You are NOT in a cozy little suburb of Chicago. You are in Texas, the wild west, we still have unpaved roads.

Quit calling my other children and trying to form up a team. They do not care. You have made it very clear to them you are NOT a team player.

There was a small stain on the carpet when I moved in it was light and about the size of an apple. Now it is much darker and the size of a football. What the hell is it? Some kind of creepy ghost stain? Blood pool from a previous murder? Oozing toxic poison from a secret underground storage facility? What is it? There is one in one of the bedrooms that is doing the same thing. It is creeping me out! It is like a Dean Steven King-Koontz novel is happening in my home.

I have an appointment to get my neck looked at today. I took my car in to be appraised yesterday. I had an appointment at 10:30 I finally saw a human 20 minutes later. Why schedule appointments? They looked over the damage and went to write up an estimate. They will call me and schedule me in to repair the damage. Ok so call me already!!! Posters all over the place with your logo claiming your customer comes first. Really?? I do not feel first. Is your back up sensor malfunctioning?

Have to get ready for my neck doctor.

Have a blessed day. Watch out for the other guy!

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